Page 62 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Rhys—no, she was going to have to stay away from him. Her heart practically shattered at the thought. She was going to have to figure something out. Maybe she could just go get checked out at the hospital, then leave. She could take an taxi to her house or something. That way she could get cleaned up first.

“Ma’am,” Connor said softly.

Jordan ignored the sharp pinch of the needle being inserted into her vein. She blinked, at least glad for the distraction of the slight pain.

“Who can we call for you to inform them of the accident?”

Her superiors would already be alerted. There had been a sergeant at the scene of her accident, but since she was injured and needing medical attention, they would meet her at the hospital.

“Call Mac,” she said. Jordan leaned her head back on the gurney again. She closed her eyes and rattled off Mac’s number from memory. There weren’t too many numbers she had memorized.

“All right, Knight. Here’s the pain medication,” Jake murmured.

The ambulance rocked as it began the trip to the hospital. Jordan hadn’t caught the name of the other EMT who was driving.

Warmth spread through her, alleviating her pain almost immediately. She closed her eyes and rode the clouds that carried her off into darkness.


“How’s your pain?” the young nurse asked. She was a kind, young Black woman with braids pulled up into a high ponytail. She disconnected the plastic syringe from Jordan’s IV and smiled.

“Good, as long as you keep that medication coming,” Jordan joked.

The nurse laughed and shook her head. The pain medication they had been giving her was keeping her body aches and headache at bay. It had been rough since she had arrived at the emergency room. She had been poked, prodded, and scanned inside out.

Jordan rested back against the pillows while a warming sensation floated through her body. Whatever that med was, was certainly the good stuff. Jordan couldn’t keep a goofy grin from spreading across her face.

“I got you. We’re going to take care of you.” The nurse snorted. She moved over to computer next to the bed. She muttered something.

“What was that?” Jordan sighed.

“I said, I don’t want my boss’s husband giving me the evil eye.” She visibly shuddered while throwing a wink Jordan’s way.

“Mac is all bark,” Jordan replied smoothly.

Mac could be a little intense—okay, frightening—to those who didn’t know him. Jordan giggled at the thought of Mac terrorizing the nurses. Her sergeant had arrived at the emergency room not long after Jordan had arrived. He came plowing through the department as if he owned it. He had apparently put out the bat call to the other SWAT officers. From what she had heard the entire squad was out in the lobby waiting to come in the room, but the nurses were holding them off.

“Okay, if you say so,” the woman muttered.

Jordan couldn’t remember her name. She glanced over at the board on the wall and saw the name Neveah.

“It’s Neveah, right?” Jordan asked, wanting to make sure. With all of the pain medications she had been given, she couldn’t remember which nurse who had attended her was assigned to her. When she’d first arrived, there were so many people working around her. They had stripped her of her police uniform, and now she sat with a hospital gown on over her bra and panties. She had refused to take those off.

Neveah gave her a nod while she focused on the computer and was typing. Jordan was curious to what she was documenting but decided to leave that alone. Did she want to know that they were calling her a baby for needing medications? Nope, not at all. She would remain ignorant to anything they thought of her.

She repositioned herself on the pillows, a yawn overtaking her.

“If he bothers you—hell, if any of my team says something to you—let me know. I’ll handle them,” Jordan said and raised a fist.

Neveah turned to her with a crooked grin on her lips. “I’m fine. It’s just those guys are so intense. How do you work with them?”

“You think they are intense, you should see me when I’m not doped up on the good stuff.” Jordan laughed, holding her arm up that had the IV in it.

Neveah’s eyes widened. “You go girl. It’s good to see a Black woman in a police uniform handling business.”

A cough interrupted their conversation. An officer stood in the doorway. He was an older gentleman with a tan, salt-and-pepper hair, and a nose that looked as if it had been broken at one point and never set correctly.

“Officer Knight?” he asked.

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