Page 53 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Rhys eyed his friend and could see the stress in his eyes and the way he stood. Zayden tried to appear casual by resting his hands on the back of the chair in front of him, but Rhys knew him well. Something was bothering him.

“Well, don’t leave us all in suspense,” Rhys said. He folded his arms. If it was going to be bad news then Zayden might as well come straight out and tell them right away. No use in sugar-coating shit.

“Spooks wants us to start sending a dog out with SWAT on calls,” Zayden announced.

The room was as quiet as a morgue for a moment before it exploded.

“We don’t have the manpower for this.”

“Where are we supposed to get more dogs and officers from?”

“We are already pulling a crazy amounts of hours.”

Zayden held his hand up as he was bombarded with complaints and questions. Rhys scowled. How could the captain come up with shit like this? They were already stretched thin as it was with a small K9 unit.

“According to the captain, he said this was a direct order from the mayor,” Zayden said.

Rhys rolled his eyes. Of course this would come from the mayor. He didn’t know what it entailed for a K9 unit to be out and about. Having a dog out on jobs like that increased the liability for everyone. It was one thing to bring in the dogs for specific needs, but to just have a dog out on a call? For what purpose?

“And how would we be able to go out on every call that SWAT has to do?” Rhys asked.

“It’s not going to happen. I know that you know that and even the captain knows it. This won’t last long. Spook said for us to play along and pretty soon the mayor will see how much this will cost the city and soon the mayor will forget about it.”

“But seriously, how are we to do this? There are only five of us, and SWAT goes out at all times of night and we are stretched all across the city,” Arlo questioned.

“Well, we will have to just be strategic with how we dispatch a K9 unit out with SWAT,” Zayden replied.

He continued answering all of their questions to the best of his ability, but they all knew this idea was a failure waiting to happen. Unless the mayor was willing to open up his purse strings to hire and train additional K9 cops.

Which they knew, this wouldn’t happen.

So it looked as if they were all going to be working even more.


Jordan smiled at Honor’s antics as she was led away by Rhys. Her heart was working overtime at the look in his eyes when he was questioning Craig’s intentions. Her man had a jealous streak, and Jordan had to admit, it was downright sexy.

“Now why hasn’t that man been scooped up yet?” Amber murmured.

Jordan blinked and switched her attention back to the girls. Amber and Dana had cornered her since they hadn’t seen her in a while. Jordan had to admit she’d been busy as of late. It felt good to laugh and gossip with her female officers. Sometimes she needed to get away from all of the testosterone of her team. She loved her SWAT brothers, but sometimes she needed a female companion just get some things off her chest that the guys wouldn’t understand.

“Who?” Jordan asked.

Amber and Dana had wide grins on their faces. They turned back to Jordan, chuckling.

“Girl, Rhys. You know all the women here would give their left boob to have a chance with him,” Dana said.

Jordan was taken back. She had been so wrapped up in her job, her love life with Rhys, and everything else that had beenhaunting her that she had never realized that other women had their eye on her man. She beat down that green monster brewing inside her chest. She certainly didn’t like other women looking at Rhys.

“How do you know he isn’t with someone?” Jordan asked casually. She leaned back against the wall and folded her arms in front of her. At the moment, she was two seconds from chucking her own rule and shouting to them and whoever else in the precinct could hear.

Rhys Newman was hers.

But she couldn’t. Not that there were any rules against them being together. He wasn’t her superior nor was she his. There were plenty of people who had relations or had even gotten married.

She had wanted privacy. She wanted to enjoy Rhys all by herself. What she had with him was rare, and she didn’t take it for granted. The minute word did leak that she and Rhys were together, there would be millions of questions and everyone would be up in their business.

“You’re right. He might be. A man that fine wouldn’t stay single for long.” Amber grinned and tucked her hair behind her ear. “You and Honor seem pretty close.”

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