Page 52 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“I am not thinking about him.” Jordan sighed.

She gave a dramatic roll of her eyes when she stood taller. She glanced at him for a moment, and in that instant, he saw a twinkle in her eyes. Rhys wasn’t worried about their relationship, but maybe he still needed to have a conversation with Craig.

“Is he bothering you?” Rhys found himself blurting out. He regretted it immediately.

“Craig? He’s harmless.” Jordan gave a wave of her hand.

“I mean, if he’s made you uncomfortable, you could just report him,” Rhys said. He wasn’t talking about Jordan going tothe captain. If Craig had been laying it on thick, why hadn’t she said anything to him about the situation?

“He’s asked me out once, I said no, and that’s it. I can’t help if he’s admiring from afar.” She chuckled.

If she said everything was fine, then he’d have to believe her.

Rhys didn’t like the fact another man was eyeing Jordan. He could have a quick conversation with the other officer to let him know that she was off-limits. Jordan caught his eyes, and he knew she already knew what he was thinking. She gave a short shake of her head.

“Girl, you are a mess.” Amber gave her a little shove.

“Well, you ladies have a nice day. Me and Honor have a meeting to go to.” Rhys tugged Honor’s leash. She tried to resist him and looked longingly at Jordan. She wasn’t understanding why she couldn’t stay with her. “Honor, come.”

He had to put more authority in his voice in order for her to obey. The dog’s shoulders slumped slightly as she began to walk along with him.

“Bye, Honor!” the girls called out behind them.

Honor glanced over her shoulder one last time before continuing on. Rhys could feel the heat of Jordan’s stare between his shoulder blades. It took everything he had to not be like his partner and look back at her. They cut through the building and entered the small room where he found the other K9 officers waiting. There was an oval table in the middle with a television at the end of the table.

“Look what the wind blew in,” Daxton announced.

His partner, Hawk, sat on the floor at his feet. Arlo and Kimbo were present, as well as the other K9 duo, Lane Brewer with his partner, Colt.

“I’m not late,” Rhys noted. He walked around the table and took an empty chair. He sat and motioned for Honor to sit at hisfeet as well. It wasn’t that often that the K9 officers had to meet. “Where’s Zayden?”

It wasn’t like him to be late for a meeting.

“He had a last-minute meeting with the captain,” Arlo said.

Rhys’s eyebrows shot up high. That didn’t sound good if it was a last-minute meeting.

“What the hell did we do?” Rhys asked.

“No clue, and did Zayden mention to anyone what this meeting was about?” Lane sat back, tilting his chair on the two rear legs. “We just came on, and I am not looking forward to the next eight hours. They are already asking me to stay over.”

Grunts went around the room. Mandatory overtime was increasing as of late. Rhys was thankful they weren’t making him stay over today. His last two shifts had been brutal and long. He couldn’t wait to get home, shower, and toss back a cold beer.

“I hope those groans aren’t because I’m running a little behind.” Zayden stalked into the room. His partner, Duchess, trailed behind him.

“I’m wondering how you could keep an old man like me here any longer than necessary,” Rhys said. He grinned at the sergeant and his longtime friend.

“Old, my ass.” Zayden snorted. He pushed the door closed and stood at the end of the table where his vacant seat was. “I’m not going to keep you here long. Thank you for coming in.”

Rhys always appreciated that Zayden was a man to get straight to the point. Meetings didn’t have to be long and drawn-out for no reason, and most of the ones he had to attend that were mandatory could have been an email.

“What’s going on?” Daxton asked.

“Yeah, you meeting with the captain. What did we do?” Arlo asked.

Zayden barked a laugh. He took his ball cap off and tossed it on the table. He combed his fingers through his hair.

“We haven’t done a damn thing. I just met with Spook, and he had nothing but high remarks to say about us,” Zayden began. “He and the mayor were pleased by the response of our spotlight on the news.”

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