Page 49 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“You are never going to find out.”


Rhys guided his patrol SUV into the parking lot of the station. His gaze landed on a particular figure he needed to have a conversation with. Honor poked her head through the opening from her compartment in the back. She gave yip at the sight of the building.

“We won’t be long, girl,” he murmured.

He gave her a pat on the head while looking for a place to park. It was a beautiful day in Columbia, but it had been a long one. He and Honor had been on the road all day. He quickly found a spot not too far from the door to the station.

“I’ll be right back, girl.”

Rhys left the SUV running and hopped out of the vehicle. He wanted to keep the air on for Honor so the truck didn’t overheat for her. Even though the temperature wasn’t scorching, the truck could still get too hot for the dog. The vehicle came equipped with a heating sensor. If the temperatures rose to a dangerous temperature for Honor, Rhys would be alerted by an alarm on a device he kept strapped to his waist.

“Hey, Cameron!” Rhys called out.

The officer had arrived to his civilian vehicle. Cameron gave a wave while Rhys jogged over to him.

“What’s up, Rhys?” Cameron hefted a small duffle bag onto the hood of his pickup truck.

“Oh, nothing much.” Rhys came to a halt near Cameron. He took the offered hand Cameron held out and gave it a firm shake. What he needed to know, he was sure Cameron would have the answer to, and if he didn’t, he damn sure knew where to get the information from. “Living this thing we called life.”

“I know that’s right.” Cameron chuckled. “How’s that kid of yours? She graduated from high school, right?”

“Yeah, in college now,” Rhys said with pride.

Nova had been his shining light, and he had no problem bragging about his daughter’s accomplishments around the precinct or to anyone willing to listen.

“These kids are growing up.” Cameron laughed. “My niece graduates this year. I remember when that girl would follow me around with pigtails in her hair and that damn binkie of hers. Now she’s asking to drive my car and for me to buy her booze!”

They shared a short laugh. Life would never be dull when it came it came to their families.

“I’m assuming you’re not coming over here to offer me a cold beer, so what can I do for you?”

Sergeant Cameron Kaur was never a man to beat around the bush. He was forward and direct, which was one reason why Rhys had always liked him.

“Bravon Huff,” Rhys replied matter-of-factly. All joking and polite conversation was pushed to the wayside. He adjusted his CPD ball cap on his head. He glanced over at the station before returning his attention to Cameron. “He’s recently out of prison. Know of his whereabouts and what’s he’s been up to?”

“Why are you looking into him?” Cameron folded his arms. He leaned back against his vehicle while he studied Rhys.

It had been two days since Jordan had moved to the farm with him. Something was going on in that woman’s head thatshe wasn’t sharing with him. She may think she could hide things from him, but she’d forgotten he could read her easily.

She was up to something, and if he didn’t know any better, she was going to try to stop Bravon on her own. Well, his little warrior was going to have help, whether she wanted it or not.

But first, he had to track the son of a bitch down. If anyone knew the latest information on Bravon Huff, it would be this man standing before Rhys.

Cameron had been a member of the force for almost as long as Rhys, and he was in charge of the Gang Unit. There wasn’t much about the workings of the Demon Lords that got past Cameron.

“Let’s just say it’s a personal interest. Off the record,” Rhys said.

Cameron reached up and stroked his chin and eyed Rhys as if he was contemplating the information Rhys was sure he had.

“Personal, huh?” Cameron raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I’m asking for a friend,” Rhys said.

Cameron nodded.

“Last I heard he was in Atlanta since being released from prison. I don’t foresee him making his way here. Atlanta was his stomping grounds. His uncle gave him the run of that city. He’s going to be Atlanta PD’s problem,” Cameron said.

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