Page 50 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“He’s here in Columbia,” Rhys stated.

Cameron stood straighter, a scowl gracing his face. Rhys knew the Gang Unit sergeant would be interested in this news.

“And you’ve put eyes on him?” Cameron asked.

“Not me, but a very reliable source has.” Rhys crossed his arms. He wasn’t going to tell Cameron who his source was. He didn’t want to have to share the details of why Bravon would be going to Jordan. That, for right now, was none of Cameron’s business.

“How reliable?”

“I’d trust this person with my life,” Rhys replied automatically. There was no question that he’d trust Jordan.

Cameron nodded, glancing away and staring off at the light traffic passing by before he continued.

“Between me and you, we’ve kept our eye on him. I figured it would only be a matter of time before he’d make his way here. Viktor Huff is scheduled to be moved to Coleman down in Florida. Apparently, he’s not been a good boy while locked up.”

Rhys wasn’t surprised by that news. Viktor Huff was one of the most dangerous gangsters around. He had served under the former Demon Lords’ leader, Silas Tyree, who had been shot and killed. Once Silas was taken out, it allowed Viktor to move up to head the organization. The man was a tyrant. He had garnered a lot of respect and power in the underworld. Had the police not taken Silas out, Rhys was sure it wouldn’t have been much longer before Viktor would have done it himself.

“Do we know when?” Rhys asked.

Cameron shook his head. “The feds are remaining tight-lipped regarding the transfer. They are not going to want it publicized.”

“So what you are saying is with an upcoming transfer and Bravon being seen here in Columbia it is not good news,” Rhys murmured.

“Fuck no. I’ll need to notify my federal contacts to let them know. With Viktor’s nephew in Columbia now, there is no telling what that means.” Cameron sighed. The Gang Unit officer appeared tired and weathered. The war on crime was never-ending, and every dedicated cop had been putting in long hours to help keep the streets of Columbia safe. “There has been a power struggle in the Demon Lords. Too many people have been trying to go for that number one spot. Lately it’s been hard to find good informants. All of my regulars have either disappeared or are sitting in jail right now. We are scrambling to getinformation. Everyone is too scared to talk. With Bravon here, there’s no telling what this would mean.”

Rhys bit back a curse. Had the gang leader’s nephew come here with the intent of taking over the throne his uncle had held? Well, whatever reason he had for coming to Columbia, Rhys just knew the gangster wasn’t going to lay his hands on Jordan.

“You think he had something to do with that murder-suicide?” Rhys didn’t have to clarify which case he was talking about. The mansion crime scene had been the subject of many water cooler chats in the precinct.

“I wouldn’t be surprised. Martin was gaining power in their good ol’ organization. It would make sense to take out someone who may be considered a threat.”

Rhys’s belt vibrated. He glanced down and found his device to the truck alarming. He glanced over at his patrol SUV and watched the back windows roll down. Honor peeked her head through the opening. Her gaze landed on him, and she gave a few short barks as if to demand he let her out of the vehicle. If the alarm was going off, then it meant the car was getting too hot for her.

“Thanks for the chat, but it looks like my partner is summoning me,” Rhys said. He stepped forward and held his hand out.

Cameron took it in a firm grip. “Whoever put eyes on Bravon Huff needs to stay far away from him. They are not going to want to tussle with the likes of him. They will likely get themselves killed.”

“We won’t be herelong, girl. I promise,” Rhys said. He tightened his grip on Honor’s leash as they walked through the precinct. After letting her out of the vehicle, he’d taken her for a quick walk around the block to allow her to stretch her legs and empty her bladder. He had gotten a text from Zayden to stop by before heading home.

“There’s my favorite police officer,” a happy voice called out.

Honor’s tail wagged so hard, her hips shook from side to side. Rhys grinned at Polly calling out. Rhys knew this time he would be unable to avoid the woman. She was always determined to give the K9 officers treats.

“Hey, Polly.” Rhys chuckled.

Honor pulled against her leash, leading them over to Polly who immediately bent down and rubbed Honor’s head between her ears.

“Bring this woman over here so she can get her chicken treats,” Polly gushed. She stood and waved them on after her.

“Of course. I won’t deny my partner her chicken.”

Honor gave a yip as if to agree with Rhys. They followed behind Polly, walking the short distance over to her chair. A small gathering by the vending machines in the corner of the bullpen captured Rhys’ attention. Jordan stood speaking with Amber and Dana. She had yet to notice him, or if she had, she was properly ignoring him. They had agreed to keep up the charade, and it was killing him.

“Let me just grab Honor’s treat,” Polly murmured. She walked around her desk and plopped down in the seat.

Honor dragged Rhys around to the side of the desk where she impatiently waited. Her tail was wagging as she watched Polly intently. Polly pulled a bag from her bottom drawer, and Honor went ballistic. Polly laughed at Honor’s excitement.

“Calm down, girl,” Rhys said, but it was to no avail.

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