Page 47 of Dirty Ultimatum

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After a minute or two, Honor lost her patience and gave a snort.

“Okay, let’s go,” Jordan grumbled.

She jogged down the stairs and headed toward the front of the house with Honor at her side. Jordan flipped on her flashlight that hung around her neck on a lanyard. It provided little light, but the main reason she wore it was to alert any passersby that she was on the road.

The German Shepherd kept pace with her as they made their way down the driveway. It was about a quarter of a mile long before it emptied out onto the highway.

The sky was a dark canvas with a few flickering stars that caught Jordan’s attention while the large moon stole the show. It was magnificent. Not quite a full one, but damn near close. Some nights when she couldn’t sleep, she would go for a run. The quietness that surrounded her while the world slept helped calm her nerves. She breathed in the fresh air; the sounds of her feet pounded the dirt drive. Honor jogged along with Jordan. The mutt was slowing herself down for her. There was no wayshe could outrun the dog. She’d seen Honor chase down a perp, and the dog had speed.

This was not the first time she had taken Honor with her on a run. The dog loved it as much as she did. This was their secret bonding time away from the others. They made it to the edge of the drive, and Jordan went right. Honor didn’t miss a beat while running alongside her.

They continued on. She wasn’t sure how long they would go tonight. She knew if she came to a four-way stop then it would mark two miles. She’d normally go farther and run to the next one, which would mark three miles, then turn around and return to Rhys’s farm. With the threats from Bravon, she decided she wasn’t going to go too far tonight.

Her gaze fell on the woods that lined the opposite side of the street. With the darkness, she couldn’t see any of the shadows that plagued the area. Dampness formed on her forehead. She reached up and wiped the sweat away.

She hoped her run would help tire her out where she could sleep once she’d made her way back home. She picked up speed, wanting to go a little harder with this workout. She was determined to go back and get some sleep after a hot shower. Honor gave her a doggy grin as she picked up speed, too.

Jordan laughed at the dog’s antics. Honor sped up slightly and was ahead of Jordan. The dog had the nerve to look over her shoulder at Jordan as if to see if the slow human was able to keep up with her.

“Show-off! I only have two legs!” Jordan chuckled.

Honor slackened her pace a bit to allow Jordan to catch up to her. She fell back and ran at Jordan’s side again. Jordan reached over and patted the dog on the head. She turned her attention back to the road ahead of her. This was just what she needed.

A flash of light caught her attention from across the street. She decelerated slightly, her gaze searching the area. Thereshouldn’t be anyone over there. From what she recalled, there was nothing but a thick brush of trees. There were no buildings near the road. One thing about these back roads was there were no streetlights like there was in the city.

What the hell was that?

Jordan powered down to a light walk but no longer saw the flash of light. She glanced over at Honor who was curiously looking across the way. Had the dog seen what she had? Jordan shrugged it off and picked her speed back up to a moderate jog. She was already feeling better. From memory, she knew the intersection wasn’t far. She’d hit that and then head back to her man where she belonged.

“Hey, where are you going?”Jordan gasped.

She stopped and watched Honor beeline off the dirt driveway that led back to Rhys’s house. Her face was slick with sweat. She reached up and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. Honor went over to a tree near the dirt road and squatted.

“Don’t take too long.”

Jordan walked in small circles with her hands resting on her waist. Her breaths were coming in pants. The run had done her some good. Her heart rate was up, and the sweat was pouring from her. Jordan was in top shape and could have pushed herself to go farther, but tonight, she wanted to go back to her man. She turned to face where Honor had been peeing and found the dog standing at attention staring at something off in the distance. Of course, where she’d stopped was a patch of trees that blocked Jordan’s eyesight. It was pitch-black, and only the moon was providing light.

The hairs on the back of Jordan’s neck rose.

What the fuck did Honor see?

A low growl emitted from the K9.

“Fuck,” Jordan cursed. She slid her hand underneath her shirt and flipped the button on the strap that held her gun in place. She drew it from the sheath and was comforted by the cool metal of the weapon. She took a few steps toward the dog who gave another warning growl. “You better be seeing an animal, girl.”

Jordan brought her hands up and aimed the gun as she moved closer to Honor. Jordan stayed behind Honor and tried to see whatever the dog did but was unable to see anything. Jordan trusted Honor. If she sensed something was out there, then there was.

A warm bead of sweat trickled down Jordan’s forehead. She quickly reached up and swiped at it with the side of her wrist. She didn’t want to take her focus off Honor.

“Honor,” Jordan murmured. She crept closer to Honor and stayed behind her. Rhys had taught Jordan a few things about his K9 partner.

Never get in between her and a possible perp.

Jordan squinted, and again, didn’t see anything but darkness and shadows. Her heart slammed as she watched the dog’s hackles raise. Honor was now in an attack position.

“Fuck,” Jordan growled. She began walking up toward the house. She didn’t take her eyes off the woods, but she also wasn’t going to leave Honor alone to fend for herself. “Honor. Come.”

The dog whined but backed over to Jordan before she turned and jogged to her.

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