Page 45 of Dirty Ultimatum

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She continued on with her story. Just by listening to what had happened, Rhys had never hated anyone before, but he was going to make an exception for Bravon. That man had made his way to the top of Rhys’s shit list.

“What does he want?” Rhys asked. A chill had taken over him just thinking of Jordan standing in front of the man she had sent to prison. He should have been right at her side. Hell, he would have pushed her behind him. There were quite a few things he’d like to discuss with Bravon.

Jordan blinked and looked away. Rhys didn’t like it. He reached out and gripped her chin so she met his eyes.

“What does he want?” Rhys asked again.

“Mac and the guys. He wants me to give them up to pay for everything they’ve done wrong in his eyes. Everything they’ve done to ruin the Demon Lords.” She sniffed.

There was no way in hell Jordan would turn her team over to the gangster. She loved her teammates as if they were brothers. Her loyalty to those men ran deep.

She had a hard time meeting his gaze. She glanced away from him. There was something else she wasn’t telling him. She tried to turn her face, but he forced her to remain facing him.

“And,” he prompted her to continue.

Her eyes flicked to his. She didn’t say anything for a moment. The silence was deafening. He knew her entirely all too well. Her teeth snagged her bottom lip as she contemplated whatever she was thinking. He would sit here all fucking night if he had to. She wasn’t getting up until she’d finished telling him everything that Bravon wanted.

“Me. He wants me back,” she breathed.

Rhys narrowed his gaze on her. He couldn’t have heard her right. Not only did the son of a bitch want her to hand her teammates over to him, but he wanted her back?

The woman who put him in prison.

“That is not fucking happening,” he growled. His hands flew to her waist. He wrapped his arms around her as if Bravon was in the room attempting to snatch her from his lap. Jordan was his woman, and he’d be damned what that fucker wanted. He suddenly stood from the couch and grabbed her by the hand. He led her toward the hallway.

“Where are you going?” She tugged on his hand, forcing him to stop at the bottom of the stairs.

He turned toward her and watched her take a step back.

“Get your stuff. You are going to stay at my house.” This place was no longer safe for her. If Bravon’s goons knew where she lived and boldly entered her home to destroy it, then she had to leave. Rhys was not going to take no for an answer. The farm would be safer for her where he and Honor could protect her.

“I am not uprooting from here and running away. He doesn’t get to scare me into leaving. This is my home.” A stubborn glint appeared in Jordan’s eyes. She tilted her head back and this time had no issues meeting his gaze. She pulled her hand away from his and rested both on her waist.

This was the Jordan he had come to know and love. Fierce. Strong and stubborn as hell.

He closed the gap between them. Apparently, his woman had forgotten who he was.

“Your home is with me on the damn farm. Now get your shit and let’s go,” he growled.

Jordan stared at him for a brief moment before she brushed past him and went up the stairs without a word.


Jordan stared at the ceiling and inhaled sharply. She lay still, not wanting to risk waking Rhys. Anxiety plagued her with the decision to tell him that they couldn’t be together. No matter what she had rehearsed in her head on the way back to her home, she hadn’t been able to go through with breaking up with him. Not that he was going to let her.

Again, he knew her better than anyone else. He had known what she was about to say before she could even get it out. Her heart had been in pain the entire ride. It had torn her apart that she would have to let go of the man she loved. The one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Every bit of a future she had imagined was being snatched from her. Instead of driving straight to Rhys’s farm, she had opted to go home first.

Imagine her surprise to find him opening her front door.

She rolled over and eyed his sleeping form. He was currently on his stomach with his head buried into his pillow. A smirk appeared on her lips as she watched him. She could sit here and watch him sleep forever. His strong muscular back was bare while the blanket and sheets were resting on the edge of his waist. She ached to run her hands along his spine to feel his warm skin underneath her fingertips.

A slight snore cut through the air.

Rhys was in a dead sleep.

Which she should be. When they had returned to his place with her bags in tow, there had been no sign of Nova. Honor had been asleep at the top of the stairs but barely moved once she saw it was Jordan and Rhys coming up the steps.

The lovemaking that night had been different. It was almost desperate. The release they both experienced had been life-shattering. With the strength of the orgasm that Rhys had wrung from her, she should be asleep, too, but alas, she was awake.

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