Page 22 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“I was so embarrassed that day when I left, suspended until an investigation could be performed on me and my police work.” She reached up and tucked a few wayward strands of hair behind her ear. She silently paced in front of him, walking back and forth before she continued her story. “I was so pissed off that I drove straight to his house.”

Rhys stood, no longer able to let her relive a hell she had experienced.


“No, I have to finish. I have to tell you this so you will know who you are involved with.” Her eyes flared with anger. She rested her hands on her waist and stood to her full height. “Do you know what I found when I showed up to his house unannounced?”

“What?” Rhys’s stomach clenched in anticipation. He hoped and prayed the son of bitch had been just cheating on her, but his gut was screaming that there was more to the story.

“That my boyfriend, who I assumed was an entrepreneur, was in fact the nephew of one of the deadliest gangs. I had been dating Bravon Huff, the nephew of Victor Huff.”

Rhys paused in shock. Of course he knew who Victor Huff was. There wasn’t a cop who didn’t know about the Demon Lords’ leader and how he came into power. It had been a big deal a couple of years ago when Victor was arrested and sentenced to prison. That trial had made national news. The SWAT team had been tangling with the Demon Lords for years.

Rhys faintly remembered a trial that had gone on about the nephew of the gangster. Apparently, this nephew hadn’t been identified until the case was broken. No one had known what hehad looked like. He had been like a ghost, operating under his uncle. His case and trial had been drowned out by his uncle’s.

“Fuck.” Rhys ran a palm along his face.

He stepped toward her, but she held up a hand at him and shook her head.

“I just need you to know that I was basically crucified at my last precinct. No one trusted me. I was labeled a snitch. Even though there was evidence that I didn’t know about Bravon and who he truly was, no one I worked with believed me. I had to sit in a courtroom for the world to see and hear testimonies of my life, intimate details that I would never want to be made public. But I got the son of a bitch. Bravon is now sitting in prison because of me.” She slammed a hand on her chest, tears now running down her face.

He grabbed her and brought her into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around her and held on to her. Rhys knew without asking that she thought he would turn tail and run from her.

But he knew her.

The real Jordan.

Her body shook, but no sobs escaped her.

“Let it out, baby. It’s okay.” He tightened his hold on her.

Jordan’s fingers clutched his shirt while she stubbornly shook her head.

“If I cry, then he wins. He thought he could hurt me. Bravon thought he could drag me down to his level, but that was—is—not me. He didn’t know me as well as he thought. He figured he would be able to manipulate me, use everyone turning on me to his advantage, but he learned the hard way.”

Her large eyes stared up at him, and it was then that Rhys knew without a doubt that he was in love with Jordan. His heart was filled with nothing but love for her. This woman before him was strong. She had been dragged to hell and back and still stoodstrong. He wouldn’t expect anything else from Jordan, and if anyone else thought differently, then they didn’t know the real woman.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he murmured.

Relief was evident in the way her body softened. He pushed down the anger simmering inside him. Why would she think he’d run at the first sign of trouble? It was her past, and she was here now and had made a new life for herself. Starting over was extremely hard, and she had done it. He was proud of her that she was able to move on with her life and rebuild. Not many would be able to recover from something like that. He knew her heart. “And neither are you.”

“Rhys, what would I do without you?” she whispered. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held on to him tight.

He kissed the top of her head. “You are never going to have to find out.”

Jordan glanced up at him, and the sight of her big brown eyes did something to him. At this moment she needed him. This strong woman had lowered her guard for him, and he saw the vulnerability. He took pride in knowing he was one of few who she truly trusted. He’d never break that trust.

He’d wear it like a badge of honor.

Rhys lowered his head and took her lips in a bruising kiss. He wouldn’t stand for her to be hurting and he couldn’t do anything about it. Jordan may be strong, but she would need someone to lean on, and that would be him.

He dominated the kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth, tasting the slight hint of beer. He relished the feeling of her pressing closer to him. He reached up with one hand and gripped her face. She was always so responsive to him. Her tongue dueled with his, teasing him. Her moans filled his ears. Rhys slid his free hand down along her torso and arrived at her plump ass. He gripped it tight, holding her in place against him.

He wanted her to feel what she did to him. His hard cock was straining at his jeans, demanding to be released. The soft feel of her breast leaning into him drove him mad. He needed to have her just as bad as he was sure she needed him. He could feel it in the way she returned the kiss. It was heated, deep and full of passion.

Which described Jordan.

Rhys tore his mouth from hers. He opened his eyes and found hers still closed. Her chest rose and fell rapidly.

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