Page 131 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Jordan looked up from her phone to see Iker and Zain standing in the doorway. They were both dressed in civilian clothes. It had been two weeks since the prison break, and Mac was still in the hospital. He hadn’t woken up after the surgery yet. The doctors were unsure why he wasn’t waking up. Every day, each member of the SWAT team came to sit with Sarena and Mac’s family members. They didn’t want the MacArthur family to think they had abandoned Mac or them.

Jordan adjusted where she sat in the waiting room. Sarena was back in the intensive care unit with her husband. She had been gone for a little while, and Jordan had got bored and was scrolling on her phone.

She tried to block the images of Mac in his hospital bed with so many tubes and machines around him. It was hard to see the man who she’d looked up to appear to be so vulnerable.

“Not yet.” Jordan cleared her throat. She popped her phone back in her jeans pocket. Her eye caught on the large diamond engagement ring that Rhys had slid onto her finger that night. Two weeks had flown by, and she still couldn’t believe she was going to marry the man of her dreams.

Nova had been thrilled at the news when they’d broken it to her the next morning before she’d left for her trip.

“Sarena went back to speak with the doctors, and Mac’s mother just left a bit ago to go home to rest.”

The elder Mrs. MacArthur was a caring petite woman. Jordan had even met Mac’s brothers, Stone and Lincoln. It was amazing to think those men had come from her. Mac, Stone, and Lincoln held a strong resemblance. All Navy men. Mac’s younger siblings even had the infamous scowl their elder brother was known for.

Iker and Zain came into the room and took the seats that were across from where she was sitting. She and Sarena had been the only ones in the family waiting room.

Things at work just hadn’t been the same. Spook had made Jordan take a few days off after the prison break. She even hadn’t minded the desk duty for the first day or two back. With her bruising on her face and neck, she was sure to scare the public. But at least she still got to put on her uniform, her badge, and sheath her gun on her waist.

SWAT still operated, but they were missing an integral member of their team. They wouldn’t be whole until Mac returned. Jordan refused to think of anything else but Mac returning. She missed hearing his growl and curses when they were out on missions. He was the big brother she didn’t have. Hell, she’d inherited seven brothers when she’d joined this team and she would feel the same if any of them weren’t there.

“So when’s the big day?” Zain asked. He jerked his chin toward her hand.

She smiled and held it up for all to see. She wasn’t above showing off the rock that Rhys had bestowed upon her.

“We haven’t figured out a date yet, but it will be soon. I don’t want to give him a chance to change his mind,” she joked. Notthat she was truly worried. Rhys wasn’t going anywhere. That man loved her and proved it to her every single day.

He’d been cleared by the internal investigation and had been allowed to return to active duty at work. It had been nice to spend a few days on the farm alone with him—and Honor.

Iker and Zain chuckled.

“Where is the crazy son of a bitch?” Iker asked.

Jordan glanced down at her watch. By the looks of it, he should be off work. He had texted her earlier that he knew she was going be at the hospital and would just meet her there.

“He should be on his way here,” she replied.

She leaned back and tried to keep the smile off her face. Everything was going perfect now. With Bravon gone, she was no longer having to worry about him. The death of Viktor Huff and the arrest of Sergio Cabal was a large blow to the Demon Lords’ organization. The feds had run through the gang, and there had been a slew of arrests. All of the high-ranking members were now behind bars and awaiting their day in court.

Jordan breathed a sigh of relief. It was time to get her life together. She had decided she would sell her home and move in with Rhys permanently on the farm. She had planned to go there on her next weekend off to pack and purge her place. It was pointless for her to return there. Out on the farm with Rhys was where she belonged.

“Well, whatever date y’all decide on, can you please let your sister know ASAP?” Zain groaned. He ran his fingers through his dark hair.

Jordan chuckled at his pained expression. Omara had been bugging her to set a date, but she’d hesitated, and Rhys understood why.

She wanted her brothers in blue to stand with her at their wedding.

All of them.

So she was waiting on Mac.

“I will. It will be soon. I promise,” she said.

“What are you in here promising, woman?” Rhys ambled in the room.

Jordan’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of her man decked out in his police K9 uniform. There was something about a man with a gun strapped to his thigh and a ballistics vest on his chest. Honor trotted alongside her handler. Her tail wagged immediately when her gaze landed on Jordan. Rhys released her from her harness, and she beelined it to Jordan.

“Hey, girl.” Jordan laughed at the doggy kisses that were raining on her face.

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