Page 121 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Jordan didn’t give them a chance to attack. She kicked out and landed a boot in the first one’s stomach. He doubled over, the air escaping him.

“Bitch,” the other one hollered.

He swung on Jordan, but she was faster than him. She ducked his fist and landed one of her own in his side, then sent the knife deep into his shoulder. His legs gave out, and he dropped to his knees. She snatched the knife back just in time—his partner came up behind her.

Jordan’s training kicked in. The men were without formal training and assumed they could use their size to defeat her. That was their mistake. Jordan’s adrenaline raced through her as she fought them. It didn’t take long before both of the men were laid out on the ground, dazed, injured and bleeding. Jordan panted, gazing down at them. She stood to her full height and glanced over at Mac.

He was slowly fading.

“Mac, we’ve got to go,” she barked. Who would have thought that it would be her issuing orders to her sergeant. “Now get on your feet.”

They would have to hurry. The men had gone down, but they weren’t quiet in doing so. She was sure someone had heard them and would be coming to check out what the commotion was.

“When did you become so damn bossy?”

“Someone I know must be brushing off on me,” she replied.

Mac pushed off the ground and lost more coloring. She bit her lip at the sound of his grunt and groan. Jordan rushed to help him to stand. They paused for a moment. Sweat beaded on his temples. He gave a nod, and they slowly made their way tothe opening of the cave. She wrapped an arm around his waist and held on tight. His arm came to rest on her shoulders.

They exited, and it was then she took notice of their surroundings with the assistance of the soft hues of the morning sun. There was nothing but rolling hills, land, and trees. The prison was nowhere in sight. Through the trees she saw a wide river and a dock with a boat tied to it. What concerned her the most was the clearing where she assumed the helicopter would land.

“This way.” Mac pointed in the opposite direction the men had come from.

They slowly began walking away. Jordan just prayed they would be able to put enough distance between them and this cave so she could find a safe place to stash Mac. It would be faster for her to go on without him to find help, but she refused to do that when he was in danger.

“And just where in the hell do you think you two are going?” a voice said behind them.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Jordan’s eyes fluttered closed for a brief moment. Why couldn’t they just catch a break? She glanced over her shoulder and took in Sergio standing behind them with a gun pointed at them. If she wasn’t mistaken, it was her fucking gun.

Mac swayed beside her. The big man was sweating bullets.

“Get them. It’s time to take them to the bosses,” Sergio said.

Jordan stiffened when three men sidled up beside them. Two of them grabbed Mac while the other one took her by the arm and forced her to face Sergio.

“Don’t you hate having to answer to other men,” Jordan said.

The guy guided her toward Sergio.

“You can talk all you want. We’ll see what you are saying when you face Bravon.” Sergio chuckled.

“Oh, I can’t wait to see him again,” she said.

The thug walking alongside her didn’t say a word. His grip was tight on her arm. He carried a gun in a holster on his hip. She made a note of that for later. If Bravon thought she was going to go down without a fight, he had another think coming. Jordan grew concerned; she watched the men drag Mac along. He was no longer able to walk on his own. They struggled to hold him, but they managed.

The small group marched through the woods and down the hill toward the riverbed. Jordan couldn’t tell how long she and Mac had been away from the others. She was confident the guys would have made it out of the train shaft by now. They broke from the tree line, and Jordan’s gaze landed on two men standing amongst a group near the river.

Bravon and his uncle, Viktor.

She scowled. They drew closer to them. Bravon turned from his uncle, his gaze landing on her. A sick grin spread across his face. One that Jordan would only be too happy to wipe off.

She broke their stare and took in their surroundings. She had to admit it was a good spot to make a run for it. There was access to a river, but looking at the boat they had traveled in, they wouldn’t have made it far, but the area was secluded, and there was a perfect spot for a helicopter to land.

Only Jordan had a funny feeling that she and Mac would not be joining the crew once they left. Her stomach did a little flip at the thought.

Was last night the last time she would ever see Rhys?

She loved that man and she just hoped he knew how much she did. She would do anything to get to see him one last time. Hold him. Touch him. Breathe in his scent. Had she told him she loved him before she’d left?

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