Page 120 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“No, they will have enough room. The police have barricaded every road away from here. This is the meeting point. They will arrive here, and then we will all fly out of this godforsaken place.”

Sergio and whoever he was speaking with walked away. Jordan waited until she could no longer hear them. She lifted her head and confirmed that they were tucked away in a small cave. The mouth of it faced a thicket of trees. She glanced around and took in Mac slumped next to her.

“It’s about time you woke up,” he grunted. His gray eyes opened and focused on her.

There was something different in his gaze that sent a chill down Jordan’s spine. His usual intensity didn’t burn as bright, and that had her worried.

“Are you good?” she whispered. Jordan tugged and pulled at the rope around her wrists. She needed to break free so she could get her and Mac out of here. She would have her day with Bravon, but for now she needed to get Mac away. It was apparent he needed medical attention—bad.

“The fuckers didn’t do a proper search of me. There’s a knife on my ankle. Get it.” Mac jerked his chin toward his leg. His dark hair was plastered to his pale forehead.

Jordan didn’t waste any time. She leaned forward and moved his pant leg up. A small knife was safely secured in a sheath around his ankle where he’d said it would be.

“I’m going to get us out of here,” Jordan murmured. She took the knife out and flipped it around. The blade sliced through the first rope with ease.

“I want you to run,” Mac breathed.

Jordan froze and flicked her gaze over to the sergeant. Her head immediately shook side to side.

“Fuck no, Mac.” She continued cutting through the rope until finally her hands fell free. She gripped the knife and went over to Mac to free his hands.

“There’s no way in hell you are going to be able to move me,” he said. His eyes fluttered closed for a moment before they opened again. This time, a little of that Mac intensity revealed itself. “Now on your feet and get the hell out of here. That’s an order, Knight.”

“Mac, you should know me better than that. I have a little problem with authority and following orders.” She grinned. She leaned over and cut the ropes that had bound his hands together.

He narrowed his eyes on her, but she didn’t miss the smirk that appeared.

“Believe me. I know,” he replied.

Her gaze fell on the wound on his leg, and her smile disappeared.

“We are going to get you home, Mac. I’m sure Sarena will have both our hides when she sees the state of your leg.”

His wife was an emergency room nurse and would be the perfect caregiver for him. Jordan just had to get him home so that his wife would be able to nurse him back to health.

“That daughter of yours will need her dad around.”

Mac grunted and leaned his head back against the dirt wall. Jordan bit back her panic and turned around to face the mouth of the cave. Voices sounded off in the distance. Her hand tightened on the small knife. It was a perfect weapon for hand-to-hand combat which she was well prepared for. Whoever came into this cave would not walk away unscathed.

“Nia is going to be a handful for her mother,” Mac said softly.

Jordan froze again and glanced back over at him. She did not like this version of Mac. She went over to him and snatched him up by the front of his vest.

“Don’t talk no crazy shit, Mac. So help me God, if you die on me, I will follow you to Hell and bring you back here just so I can kick your ass.” Her heart slammed. She had to drag air into her lungs in order to breathe.

“You are so certain I’m going to Hell, huh?” He arched an eyebrow at her.

“With those workouts you put us through, there is no other place fitting for you,” she muttered. She released him at the sound of footsteps approaching. Jordan stood and glanced around. There was no place for her to hide. The cave was large enough for a few adults and that was it. It looked as if she’d be making a stand when the person arrived.

Jordan gripped Mac’s knife tight and kept her body loose. She bent down in a defensive stance and waited.

“I don’t know where the hell they found a boat, but apparently they stole one, drifted down the river until they were able to make their way here,” a deep voice said.

“That’s crazy. Let’s get the prisoners. Bravon wants them brought to him before the helicopter arrives,” a second voice said.

Jordan bit back a snarl. So Bravon was there. Good. It was time she and he had a little chat. The two men walked bent down and entered the small cave.

“What the hell?—”

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