Page 115 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Tears blurred her vision. She couldn’t leave him like this. He turned to place his back on the tree and slid to the ground. The warm trail of tears burned down her cheeks. This had to be a nightmare. She brushed the angry tears away. Her hands shook as she took her sergeant in. He was always strong, stubborn as a mule.

“If this is where you fight, then this is where I belong, too,” she said. Jordan knelt on the ground beside him and raised her gun toward the crashing in the woods. If they didn’t have a badge around their neck, she was pulling the trigger.

This was it.

“Knight, I just need to say?—”

“Save it, Mac. Tell me when we get home.” She brushed more tears away. She didn’t want to think that he may not make it. Hewas not giving her his last dying request or confession now. That day was reserved for when they were old, gray, and comparing their grandkids’ crazy antics.

“You are an asshole, Knight,” he muttered. He may not have had the strength to walk, but that didn’t keep him from aiming his gun.

Two guys exited the trees, guns raised. There was no question that they were Demon Lords. Jordan didn’t hesitate to pull her trigger. She and Mac fired their weapons. The men dropped down to the ground. Their screams echoed through the air.

“Bitch,” came a yell to Jordan’s right.

She swung around and fired again, hitting another one of Demon Lords. Mac’s gun continued to fire. Jordan ducked a bullet that came close to hitting her. She swung around and fired again. Her aim had been perfect. The gangster who had dared to shoot at her fell to the ground.

Jordan’s heart was in her throat. They only had so many bullets before they ran out.

“Put your gun down, Officer Knight. You and Sergeant MacArthur are surrounded. I promise you will not make it out of here alive if you keep firing,” a voice said.

Jordan glanced over at Mac. His arm was starting to waver. His dark hair was plastered to his head. He was white as a ghost. She reached over and pushed his arm down.

“All right. We give up,” Jordan said through clenched teeth. It pained her to do so, but surrendering now could mean they would live to fight another day.

“Very good. Now toss your weapons onto the ground,” the voice said.

Jordan yanked Mac’s gun from his hand. He narrowed his gaze on her. His head fell back to rest on the tree. Mac would fight until there was no breath left in his body, but she had a dutyto protect him. Get him home to Sarena and their child. That was now her mission.

She tossed Mac’s gun down on the ground as well as hers.

“They are down,” Jordan shouted. She raised her hands and kept her palms outward facing.

More men dressed in the infamous dark clothing of the Demon Lords stepped out of the brush with their guns trained on them. They did have Jordan and Mac surrounded. She glared at them while waiting for the leader to present himself.

She didn’t have long to wait.


The motherfucker had a wide grin on his face. He barked a laugh and waved his gun toward her and Mac.

“The boss wants them alive,” he announced.

Jordan stiffened. The men came forward and reached for Mac.

“Don’t touch him!” she shouted. She jumped to her feet and pushed the men away who reached for a barely conscious Mac. Those damn angry tears blurred her vision. She landed a punch on one of the men but was grabbed from behind. She kicked and struggled to free herself as they dragged her away. “Mac!”

A burst of pain exploded on the back of her head, sending her into darkness.


“What do you mean, the SWAT team has disappeared?” Sampson barked.

Rhys’s gaze snapped toward the US Marshal agent. He glanced at Dax for a moment before turning his attention back to the agent. Most of the rioters had been contained, and order had been regained over the prison. Rhys and Dax had been brought into the plans of pursuing Viktor who was not amongst the prisoners. He, Sergio Cabal, and a few other known members of the Demon Lords had escaped.

There was an official manhunt for the gangsters. Rhys and Dax stood around with the US Marshal team who would be leading the hunt for the fugitives. They stood before the large box van that was one of their mobile command units. There was a map taped to the side of the vehicle.

“Fuck. And the warden?” Sampson asked.

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