Page 110 of Dirty Ultimatum

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He released him with the agent turning to Dax with his hand outstretched. Honor sat at Rhys’s feet, waiting for orders. Rhys made a mental note to give her a big chicken treat when they returned home safe—with Jordan.

“Timbrell,” Dax said, shaking it.

They stepped away from each other. Sampson motioned for them to go with him. Rhys held on to Honor’s leash and guided her next to him as he walked with the US Marshal.

“I’m not sure how much Sergeant Gipson updated you, but we have it on good authority that Viktor Huff has escaped the prison,” Sampson announced.

“Whatever assistance we can provide in apprehending Huff we are ready,” Rhys replied. He wasn’t getting a good feeling in his gut. Something was screaming at him to stay close to wherever Huff was located.


“Roman!” Jordan shouted.

She reached forward and snagged the back of Zain’s vest. She tugged and moved him out of the way. The sound of gunfire filled the air. The moment they’d entered the basement, they’d found themselves in a nightmare. The war between the Demon Lords and SWAT had officially begun.

Zain’s eyes snapped toward hers. The spot where his head had been moments before was riddled with bullets. His eyes crinkled in the corners. The crazy son of a bitch had the nerve to grin at her.

“I swear if I didn’t have my head on my shoulders, I’d lose it.” Zain tossed her a wink.

“Asshole,” Jordan muttered. There was no way in hell she would have to be explaining to her sister how her fiancé didn’t return home standing on his own two feet. She rolled her eyes and pulled her gun up and focused.

The lower level of the prison had been a trap. Sergio knew what he had been doing when he’d led them down there. He hadn’t needed the warden after all. They had found him in the elevator with a bullet to the head.

Declan and the others had joined them just as everything went to hell in a handbasket.

The SWAT team had been led into the lower level, but there was a sub-level that was not shown on the blueprints. Below the prison was an old train station. It looked as if it hadn’t been used in over fifty years. The stench was almost unbearable, and the air was stale. She was thankful for the mask that covered her face, but it didn’t keep the aroma from hitting her. She grimaced and tried not to inhale too deeply.

She and her team had become separated with the rain of bullets greeting them. Somehow, they had been pushed forward. There was no way for them to return to the higher level. Jordan turned and knelt along the wall she, Zain, and Mac had slid behind. There was a door near them that was sealed, completely trapping them.

Jordan peeked around the corner, aiming her gun. In that moment, there was a chilling silence. She didn’t see any movement from the gangbangers. What this place had been, it wasn’t any longer. It must have been used for freight and not passengers. It wasn’t built like a normal underground subway or train station like she’d seen before. There were no large platforms for people to congregate and wait for the next train. Just small ledges with wide areas around the tracks were the trains must have stopped and the operators exited.

“See anything, Knight?” Mac murmured from behind her.

She quickly scanned the area and took in the dim lights on the ceiling that provided some illumination. It wasn’t much, but it was something. She truly didn’t want to see everything. There was no telling what they had been stepping in or what was crawling around on the floor.

Her gaze landed on a beacon. About five hundred feet away was a steel doorway. A lone light bulb shined bright next to it, highlighting it. There was even a handle.

That had to be an exit out of this hellhole.

But there was one thing that bothered her. An abandoned train car was parked on the tracks and stood in the way. What would be waiting for them in that car?

Jordan slid back to her position and nodded.

“Five hundred feet there’s an exit. It’s either that or keep going and following the tracks,” she whispered. She continued on about the abandoned car.

Mac nodded.

“Dec, come in,” Mac murmured.

He rested his hand over his ear. Their communicators were giving static here and there. This was not the time for them to be messing up. When they got out of here, she was going to have to have a chat with Brodie. There was no reason why they had to still use these shitty comms. Jordan was sure he could get some high-tech communicators from his tech friend.

“I’m here,” Declan responded.

Mac quickly brought the other sergeant up to date with what Jordan had seen. The gangsters had somehow ended up behind the SWAT team and were pushing them farther down the shaft. Jordan didn’t like it one bit. Where were they leading them?

“Head for that door. We’ll cover you,” Declan growled. “We’re not that far behind you. We’ll hold those fuckers off.”

“Roger that,” Mac replied. He moved to stand in front of Jordan and pushed her behind him. He reached down and took his handgun from his thigh sheath. He raised it and glanced at her and Zain.

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