Page 33 of Dalton

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“My brother won’t care. He’d love to see you. Like I said before, you’re going to love his wife, Candi.”

“Where’d they meet?” She rested her elbow on the counter.

“At the bar he worked as a bouncer.” Dalton opened the refrigerator and pulled out a salad mix. He moved back to the island and assembled their salad.

“She’s a stripper?” she asked. With a name like Candi, she couldn’t help but assume. She didn’t think Dallas would fall for a dancer, but hell, she hadn’t seen him in years.

Dalton barked a laugh. “Hell, no. She was a waitress. Dallas wasn’t moonlighting at that type of place.”

“Oops. Well, it is Vegas,” she said sheepishly.

“Don’t worry about it. I thought the same thing at first. Candi is the sweetest person in the world. No pun intended.”

Anya snickered at the bad joke. “Well, I can’t wait to meet them.”

“And Danny will have you wrapped around his finger in two seconds.” He took his cellphone out of his back pocket and walked over to her.

She had to concentrate on the phone. His scent was an aphrodisiac. She leaned in closer to him, breathing him in. He slid his fingers across the screen and brought up photos.

“Oh my!” A photo of a chubby-cheeked munchkin with a wide, toothless grin was first.

“Just slide the pictures, and you can see all of them.” Dalton went back to his task.

Her core clenched at the sight of him beaming. He was one proud uncle.

Someone like him would be a wonderful father.

Slow your roll, girl.

“He’s so cute. He looks just like Dallas.” She flicked through the photos.

Glenn would never have gone for her having access to his phone.

She paused her fingers on the screen. A shiver slid through her body at the thought of the one time she’d picked up Glenn’s cell when it rang… She had to push all thoughts of him out of her mind.

No more traveling down memory lane.

“Here you go. Dinner is served.” Dalton placed her plate on the counter in front of her.

Her mouth watered at the sight of steak and roasted potatoes with a side salad. The presentation of the food was like something off the television shows she loved to binge on.

“This looks amazing,” she gushed, sitting his phone down on the counter. Her stomach decided to use that moment to make itself known. Her hand flew to her stomach. “Oh my.”

“Sounds like I was just in time.” Dalton tossed her a wink. He placed a bottle of wine and two glasses down in front of her. Dalton snagged his food and walked around the counter and took the seat next to her. He poured them each a hefty amount of wine. “Bon appétit.”

They raised their glasses and clinked them together gently.

“Bon appétit,” she replied softly.

They dug into the food, eating in comfortable silence.

“Steak cooked right?” Dalton asked, eyeing her plate.

“Yes,” she mumbled around the food. The steak was tender and practically melted in her mouth. She didn’t know how Dalton got it to turn out this way, but every alarm in her head was going off.

He was a keeper.

“I shared my toys and my job with you. What do you like to do as your pastime?” He paused and took a sip of his wine.

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