Page 64 of Dirty Alliance

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Chapter 16

Myles glanced at his watch and was ready for this shift to be over. He’d be heading out first thing in the morning to go visit Roxxy. He couldn’t wait to see her. Hearing her voice and seeing her on the screen was nothing compared to being able to feel her and breathe in her scent.

He walked through the precinct toward the conference room where they would be holding their interview with Officer Knight.

As with any potential new member joining the team, he’d looked into her and read her file. She was a generational cop. Her father had retired from Atlanta’s police department. Her brother was a SWAT officer in Miami. Her grandfather had been a cop.

Policing was in her blood.

Already Myles had respect for her.

“Lover boy made it,” Iker announced when Myles strolled through the door.

Today’s meeting would be in the boardroom, not their usual conference room where they held their briefs.

Jokes flew through the air as he made his way to his seat. Zain, Brodie, Iker, Ash, and Declan were seated on the same side of table. The candidate would sit opposite the team where they could conduct their team interview.

“Whatever,” he muttered. He sat back and glided a hand across his bald head.

“I hear you’re taking a couple days off.” Zain leaned over.

Myles glanced him. Zain’s eyes twinkled, revealing his friend was up to something.

“Yeah, I am. I haven’t had any real days off in a while.” Myles shrugged.

“Going to go visit your girl?” Zain’s lips grew into a grin.

“None of your damn business,” Myles remarked. He tried to keep a straight face but he couldn’t keep his lips from curving up into a small smile.

“Ahhh…” the guys teased and laughed.

Zain made the whipping sound.

“Fuck ya’ll.” Myles shook his head.

“Oh, how the mighty has fallen.” Ash chuckled.

Declan coughed, obviously trying not to laugh. He held up a hand. “Okay, men. We need to get serious for a second. We’ll all talk about Myles in a bit.”

The room quieted. A couple of snickers could be heard before the team turned their attention to Declan who stood from his seat.

“Mac is meeting with Officer Knight to explain the interviews to her. I’m sure I don’t have to remind you to be professional with the questions. Did everyone review her CV?”

Nods went around.

Myles had to force himself to focus. He couldn’t let Roxxy consume him now. Team interviews were essential. If the team was satisfied with the candidate, it could mean adding on to their team. It had been a few years since they’d accepted someone.

He tried to think if he had any questions for Knight. He was sure something would come to mind once they got the meeting going.

A few minutes later, Mac ushered Officer Knight into the room. She was an African-American woman, tall and fit. Her dark hair was pulled back away from her face in a respectable ponytail. Her face was void of any emotions, making it hard for Myles to read her. She took her seat and gave a tight smile to the room.

“Officer Knight, I’m sure you have met the team, but I’ll go around and introduce everyone,” Mac began. He moved over to the corner. He announced each man’s name to move the introductions quickly.

“It’s nice to formally meet everyone,” Jordan said. She had good eye contact with them.

Myles was pleased. Meeting their team sometimes caused anxiety or the candidate to become flustered.

Jordan, on the other hand, was cool as a cucumber.

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