Page 5 of Dirty Alliance

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It was the woman walking behind them.

She had long, thick hair that fell past her shoulders. She was curvy but toned, dressed in her dark business suit and heels.

Their eyes locked briefly, and Myles’s tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth. She followed the men into the captain’s office.

“Who was that?” Myles cut Ash off.

They paused in place in the center of the bullpen. Now that it was later in the morning, everyone was officially at work.

“That’s Earl Sutton, the owner of Logistics Intelligence Services,” Ash said.

Myles turned his sights back to Ash. “How do you know?”

“His company is top-notch. I think you will also enjoy the fact that Mr. Sutton is an Army vet, such as yourself.”

Myles nodded, instantly having respect for the older man. “Who was the woman behind him?”

“Here you go.” Ash shook his head with a laugh. “We are about to be audited, and you’re wondering about the pretty woman?”

“Hell yeah. Did you see her?” Myles grinned. He scratched his beard. “Oh, wait. Never mind. All you can see is Deana.”

“You damn right. My eyes are only for my woman,” Ash agreed. He slapped Myles on the back. He swiveled and began reversing toward the front of the station. “I got to go meet Deana. She has a doctor’s appointment.”

“Cool. We can meet up later,” Myles said.

Ash gave him a small salute before turning around.

Myles looked back at the door that led to the captain’s office and sighed.

Ash was right.

They had a lot coming up, and he had to focus.

There was no time to stand around pining for a woman like he was a fifteen-year-old boy trying to draw up the courage to approach his crush.

Myles stepped from his truck and shut the door. He stalked toward the SWAT training facility. It was like a second home to him. Tomorrow, the officers attempting to join their elite group would come here.

He let himself into the large barn where they stored equipment. He didn’t have much left to do to prepare.

Most of the applicants would be attempting to join for the first time. Some of the men and women wouldn’t make the cut. SWAT wasn’t for everyone. It took dedication, teamwork, and an understanding of what a true brotherhood meant.

There were a lot of good men on the force, but not all would be able to keep up with the training.

Myles flipped on the light and glanced around at the equipment. He remembered when he’d made the decision to try for the squad. Myles had been on the force for a year, having joined not too long after he’d returned home. There was no way he would have been able to sit around and do nothing.

He’d always planned to join a police force when he returned from serving Uncle Sam.

Myles was no dummy. He knew what it would take to be accepted on a team. He’d done it in the Army.

Once he knew when tryouts were, he began training. He’d gotten a little lax once he was out of the service.

His conditioning included running five to ten miles a day. Lifting weights and going to the range for target practice. Preparing to join the highly elite team reminded him of his days of basic training.

The need to build up his endurance again was imperative.

Myles has completed the Special Forces Sniper Course, and after years of intense training, he became a master at his craft. He was proud of his extended range technique and skills when it came to him and a high-powered rifle.

Of course, on day one, Mac had busted his balls and rode him hard. At first, Myles was lost, unsure why he was getting the wrath of the sergeant in charge. It wasn’t until he learned Mac and Declan both were former SEALs and it all made sense.

They were both jealous.

That was it.

He forgave them, for not everyone was fit to be a Green Beret.

They had settled for second best and had become SEALs.

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