Page 46 of Dirty Alliance

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Chapter 12

Roxxy walked out of her bedroom and pulled the ties of her silk robe tighter. It had been an extremely long day. With the two casualties on the SWAT call today, it left her with additional reports that needed to be filled.

Tomorrow was the last day of auditing, and that would mean once she returned home, she’d finish up her findings and submit them to her father. After Earl reviewed them, if nothing else was needed, then everything would be forwarded to the captain and mayor.

The television was on, but the volume was low. The news was on, and the top story was that of the hostage situation. Roxxy ignored it and went over to the desk where her computer was waiting for her.

“Roxxy’s all work and no play,” she murmured, sitting in the chair. She opened her computer and opened the last report she had been working on before she’d gone and taken a shower. Her hair was tucked up in a bun on top of her head. The warm water had help relax her muscles.

At the scene earlier that day, she’d caught sight of Myles, and she had wanted to run to him. After learning that the SWAT team had apprehended the suspect, but hostages had already been deceased, it broke her heart. The men all were affected by it. She could even see it when she’d spoken with Mac. He’d appeared gruffer and more irritated. She hadn’t taken much of his time. What she would need for her reports would be in his.

Seeing Myles in all of his gear and sweaty would be ingrained in her head forever. She wanted to go to him and hug him. Comfort him. Losing victims was never easy. She’d been witness to other teams who had been too late and lost the very people they were trying to save. It was the gruesome reality that most people didn’t see. The news always focused on the victims and families, but no one ever thought about the first responders who were the ones who made the discoveries or were the ones trying to save them.

They were always forgotten.

Roxxy wished Myles was here. She’d ensure he would be taken care of.

If only for one more night.

By noon tomorrow, they’d be on the road headed back to Klinedale. It was a small town that boasted a community of about five thousand people. Almost everyone knew everyone.

This time tomorrow, she would be tucked away in her own bed, away from Columbia. Away from Myles.

Once she was gone, would he even think of her?

He’d given her much to fantasize about.

She sniffed and tried to compose herself. Typing a few commands out on the keyboard, she froze at the sound of a knock at the door.

“Who the hell is that?” She glanced at the time stamp on her computer and found it a little after eleven at night. This wouldn’t be her father. He would be fast asleep at this time of night.

She stood and opened the drawer to the desk and pulled out her small gun. Her other weapons were in the bedroom.

This one would do.

She crossed the room without a sound, comforted by the steel in her hand.

Stopping in front of the door, she rose and looked through the peephole and froze.

She left the chain on the door, turned the bottom lock, and opened it slightly. “Myles?”

“Hey, Roxxy.”

She swallowed hard. He was dressed in a dark shirt with CPD on it with jeans and boots. He leaned against the wall.

“Hey, yourself.” She tightened her grip on the gun, unable to believe he was there.

In the flesh.

“Are you going to let me in or are you going to leave me out here?”

His deep baritone caressed her, sending a tingle down to her core. Her breasts grew heavy while her nipples turned into hard buds. The silky material slid across them, and she almost moaned out loud. His gaze dropped down to her chest, and his nostrils flared.

He knew the effect he had on her.

“Please. Come in.” She heard the huskiness of her voice and frankly didn’t care. There was no question why he was showing up at her hotel. She pushed the door shut and took the chain off. She opened it and stepped back into the room.

He entered, and with his size, the room suddenly appeared smaller. The door shut behind him, and he replaced the chain.

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