Page 40 of Dirty Alliance

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“We’re good,” Iker murmured quietly.

Myles swung the hammer, fracturing the glass. He tossed the phone inside.

Mission accomplished.

A man’s deep voice cursed from inside.

“Move,” Brodie snapped.

They immediately backed away from the structure. Myles kept his eyes on the house, praying the guy didn’t come to the window and start shooting.

It seemed like hours, but only minutes had passed since they’d completed their mission. They got back at the BEAR, unharmed.

“Good job, men.” Mac and Declan arrived where they stood. Their department-issue semiautomatic rifles hung from around their necks. Had the suspect opened fire, he would have paid dearly for it.

Now he was away from the house, Myles allowed his body to relax. He glanced at his team and nodded.

“We’re going to see if Ash can reach him. If we can’t talk him out of the building then we’ll breach the perimeter and enter,” Declan informed them.

“Sergeant MacArthur!” a voice called out.

Myles turned and saw a woman in uniform walking over to them. She was an African-American with dark braids pulled back into a ponytail.

“Officer Stowe,” Mac replied, facing her.

She stopped before them and motioned over to the street corner where another patrol officer was speaking with a few women.

“Those ladies over there came down here because they know who is in the house,” she said, rotating back to them.

She was calm, and Myles could see the wisdom and experience in her eyes. This was one beat cop who didn’t take no shit.

“They were watching the television and caught the news reports. They can identify the suspect.”

Good. All the cops had was his description but no name. He’d refused to give up a name from what Myles knew.

“Iker and Zain, escort them over to the command van. We don’t know the mindset of the suspect and don’t want him randomly shooting,” Mac ordered.

“Yes, sir.” Iker and Zain left with Officer Stowe.

“We’re giving this fucker one time to come out. This has been drawn out longer than necessary,” Declan announced.

“I agree. The longer we let him remain in there, the more he could escalate,” Myles said.

He glanced back at the house from around the edge of the BEAR.

This was the part of being a SWAT officer he hated the most.


Myles was growing restless with the waiting. They’d received an update that Ash had made contact with the suspect. Apparently, his name was Darius Sherman, and he had a mental history. According to his sisters, Lisa and Kim, he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and was off his medications. The house belonged to an ex-girlfriend of his who now lived with her new girlfriend.

“Mr. Sherman would not allow Ash to speak to the two women. We’re going to go in prepared to meet the worst.”

The team surrounded Mac while he gave instructions.

SWAT would do what they did best.

It was unfortunate that they had to assume the worst, and the suspect was not cooperating.

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