Page 13 of Dirty Alliance

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Chapter 4

Roxxy had to force herself to concentrate. She couldn’t stop thinking of Myles and those damn push-ups. Something so simple as watching him working out had her body going haywire. His cockiness shined through.

That grin of his.

The wink.

Calm down, girl.

She followed the group over to the shooting range. The recruits were instructed to put on gear for the shooting exercise. They had completed their push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups. With each test, one of the SWAT guys was challenged and had to do the task with their full gear on. Roxxy had to give it to the members of Columbia SWAT, they were a close group. She could see it in the way they taunted yet supported each other. They cracked jokes on one another while ribbing each other.

The recruits walked over to a barn that was next to the outdoor range.

“Officer Burton.” She stepped over to him and had to beg her body to behave. Standing close to him meant her nipples instantly hardened. She collapsed her clipboard to her chest and stopped next to him. “I have a question.”

“Yes, Mrs. Sutton?”

His dark gaze bored into her, taking her breath away. A small smile broke out on her lips.

“It’s not Mrs. That would be my mother,” she corrected him with a shake of her head. “It’s Miss.”


His gaze narrowed on her, and her core clenched. Roxxy bit back a curse. She’d just fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book. He was testing out if she was married. His gaze swept her body again, and she practically melted. Why was her body so strung? Myles Burton was dangerous. Cocky. Good-looking. Muscular and fit. Shit. She was a sucker for a man with muscles.

“How can I help you, Miss Sutton?”

Don’t answer truthfully. Don’t you dare, Roxxy Lynn Sutton, answer him.

“What is the purpose of the recruits donning vests and other equipment for the shooting exercises?” she answered. She breathed a sigh of relief that her lips didn’t betray her.

“It’s much easier to shoot a gun with regular clothes on and having time to aim and shoot. We train the way we go out on real calls. We have to increase the pressure to make sure everyone is capable of handling their own under intense situations. You don’t get a chance to think while out in the field.”

Roxxy nodded in complete understanding. “It’s good to train as if you are out in the field.”

She scribbled a few notes down. Glancing up, she stared at the targets then turned back to Myles. “I want to shoot.”

“Excuse me?” His eyebrows rose high.

“Put me through the shooting test.” She capped her pen. There was no better way to learn about the team than to jump right in the middle. It had been a few days since she’d shot a gun. “I want to get a feel of the weapons you have them use, the targets, the distance, and how you put them under pressure.”

“I thought you were just here to observe?” Myles rested his hands on his hips.

His skeptical look fueled her desire to bust his balls a little. This man, gorgeous specimen that he was, needed to be taken down a peg or two.

She was the right one for the job.

Sergeants MacArthur and Owen arrived at their side.

“What’s wrong?” MacArthur asked, obviously sensing the tension between them.

“She wants to be put through the shooting drill.” Myles smoothed a hand over his bald head.

MacArthur and Owen turned their gazes to her before focusing on Myles.

“No harm. Miss Sutton’s here to get a feel of our screening process, then suit her up,” Sergeant Owen said.

“I agree. She’s here to study our process and protocols, let Roxxy shoot.” Mac shrugged.

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