Page 47 of Dallas

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“You hit me, humiliated me—”

“You are my wife!” he shouted.

“Iwasyour wife,” she screamed, glaring at him. She was stronger than she’d been in the past. No matter what he planned to do with her, she would not back down and be the shy, coy person she once was. “What you did to me wasn’t something a man does to the woman he promised to protect and love.”

He whipped around and grabbed her by her neck.

“You want love? Is that what this is about? Is that what the white cop promised you? Love?” He squeezed her throat again. He brought his face close to hers. “Hasn’t anything in the history of black people taught you anything? White men have always wanted a taste of our black women. You think he’s going to take you home to meet his parents? His family? You were dumb enough to sleep with him, too.” Lamont pushed her away and sat back, glaring at her.

Her hands flew to her neck, and she rubbed the skin that was becoming raw.

She shook her head at her ex-husband’s statement. It wasn’t her who was dumb. It was him. How could he not know that love didn’t care about the color of one’s skin?

It was people like him who helped spread their hate around the world.

“Just let me go, Lamont. You are free to have any woman you want,” she whispered, angrily wiping her tears from her face.

“You think I haven’t already before I went to prison?”

If she still loved him, that would have hurt.

She wasn’t surprised that Lamont had other women on the side in the past. He never did anything to hide them.

The car slowed for a red light. Her gaze went to the handle of the door. There were a few people milling around on the street corner.

She could make a run for it.

There’d be no way that he would drag her back into the car. If he did, she’d be kicking and screaming her head off for help.

Someone would help her.

Wouldn’t they?

She was about to test out if there were good Samaritans in Las Vegas.

The car rolled to a halt. She glanced over at Dallas and found him texting on his phone. Her heart rate increased to where she had a hard time breathing, but she had no choice.


She grabbed the door handle and pushed with all her might. The door flew open, and she practically threw herself from the car.

“Candi!” Lamont’s angry shout echoed behind her.

She took off running as fast as she could.

“Help me!” she screamed, rushing by the bystanders on the corner of the street. “Please! Call the police!”

Cursing streamed out behind her. She continued sprinting down the sidewalk, looking for somewhere to hide. Feet pounded the pavement after her. She glanced over her shoulder. An angry Lamont gained on her.

Someone would call the police?


Chapter Fourteen

Dallas had to admit, the feel of having body armor on his form felt damn good. The locker room was buzzing with the team getting prepared to go out. Dallas secured the vest on him. He reached inside his locker and grabbed his Glock. He secured it in his thigh holster.

The men of the Las Vegas SWAT team were welcoming him under the circumstances. This wasn’t normally how a man tried out for the team, but Dallas was grateful for the chance to go with them. He had no problem taking orders from Calloway. It was his team, and Dallas would blend right in with the others.

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