Page 31 of Dallas

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Thankfully, they had the cover of night to help.

“Captain, what the fuck is going on?” Tim’s voice broke through the communicator.

“I have no clue,” Dallas muttered.

They slowed, aiming their guns.

“We need to call in for an air lift,” Sam said. “They can be here within ten minutes.”

“Hold,” Dallas ordered.

They had kept to the shadows and soon they would be on the edge of the small town and running out of buildings to hide against.

“There’s a safe house we can hole up in, two buildings over.”

They broke away from the shadows, and in a steady formation, headed toward the building Dallas directed them to.

His training kicked in just as he was sure all of theirs had.

Years of being put in a dangerous situation was another walk in the park for them.

Pulling up the rear, Dallas turned and saw a shadowed little boy.

He bit back a curse and paused.

What the fuck was a child doing out here at this time of night? That ambush meant their mission had been compromised and there would be more of them.

“Kid, get out of here,” he ordered. He hoped his hard tone of his voice would urge the child to scatter.

He must be losing his edge, because the boy just stared at him.

A presence appeared behind him.


The man was like a ghost.

It was quite disturbing how quiet the man could move.

“What the fuck,” Randy muttered.

“Where are your parents?” Dallas took a few steps toward the child. If he had to grab him to get him somewhere safe, he would. Children shouldn’t be in this type of environment. They should be off playing and not having any cares in the world.

The kid shouted in Pashto and pointed in their direction.


Dallas and Randy both turned and took off down the alley where the rest of the team had disappeared.

Bullets ricocheted off the building.

“Left!” Dallas shouted.

Randy spun left once they broke from the alley. The building was a small hideout where they could hole up and wait for the chopper. It had an exit point on the roof that would allow them to catch a ride out of this hellhole.

The continued sound of bullets didn’t decrease.

“Get to the building,” Dallas shouted, dashing behind a broken-down car in the street.

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