Page 17 of Dallas

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“I want you, Candi.”

Her gasp filled the air.

He rushed to continue, “You never answered me at the diner, and I want to do it right. A real date. You and me.”

He paused and glanced down at her, finding a wide smile on her lips.

“I’d like that, Dallas. Very much so.”

“What did Dallas want?” Kay asked.

Candi couldn’t keep the smile from spreading across her face. It was almost closing time, and the bar crowd was thinning out. She walked over to one of her empty tables with Kay behind her.

“Someone is being nosy,” she teased, piling the glasses on the tray she’d set down on the empty table beside it. She didn’t want to share the intimate details of what had passed between her and Dallas.

“I want to know all the details on what happened in the storage room,” Kay demanded. She began helping Candi by wiping the table down.

“He asked me out,” she admitted.

Kay paused with her eyes growing wide.

“What did you say?” Kay’s voice ended on a shriek.

“Keep your voice down,” Candi snapped. She looked around the bar and didn’t see any sign of Dallas at the moment. He and some of the security team must be doing rounds to check out the other areas of the bar. She turned back to her friend who had a shit-eating grin on her face. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“I knew it. I tried to tell you that you two had the hots for each other,” Kay bragged. She finished wiping the table off and rearranged the condiments on it. “You giving him coffee every time he worked. You knew what you were doing.”

“Whatever. I was being nice.” Candi sniffed.

“Are you sure you’re ready for a relationship?” Kay asked.

Candi paused, unsure of how to respond. She’d thought long and hard about it. Dallas was a great guy. She felt safe with him. She couldn’t stop thinking of their short time in the diner. He’d been relaxed, smiling, and she had to go and ruin it by being spooked by the sight of Moody.

If she was ever to take a chance with a man again, Dallas would be that guy.

“Well, hell. If that’s what it takes to get a man, then let me see who needs coffee tomorrow,” Kay joked.

Candi rolled her eyes. She grabbed the tray of dirty glasses and headed toward the kitchen with Kay in tow. She turned around and pushed the door open with her back. She stuck her tongue out at Kay before walking into the kitchen.

“So what are the details? When are you going? Where is he taking you?” Kay asked, following behind Candi.

“I don’t know. He said he’ll give me a ride tonight when I get of work and we’ll hash out the details.” Candi set the dirty glasses down with the other ones, near where the washers would grab them. Usually Candi pitched in and washed glasses, but not tonight. They had much to do out in the bar to straighten up from the large crowd that had just left.

“Wait a minute.” Kay stepped in front of the door, preventing Candi from going back out into the restaurant. “So, he’s taking you home tonight.” She wagged her eyebrows.

Candi rolled her eyes. She thought back to their kiss, and her core clenched. She would have to admit that it had been a while since she was with a man. The cobwebs that had collected down there may scare Dallas away.

“It’s just a ride. You’re reading way too far into this, Kay. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you needed to get laid more than I do.” She laughed and brushed past her friend and went back out into the bar. She looked around and froze.

Moody was standing at the bar with a few of his goons. She swallowed hard and met his gaze.

No use in running now.

How he knew where she worked, she didn’t know.

“Oh, shit. They put someone in my area,” Kay muttered, rushing over to the table with a couple sitting at it.

Lamont can’t hurt me.

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