Page 12 of Dallas

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He paused his truck at a red light. Traffic was sparse for mid-morning. The light turned green, and he turned the corner. A yawn snaked its way out, but his keen eyes caught sight of a familiar figure walking down the sidewalk.


She was dressed in shorts and a tiny t-shirt. In her hands were a few grocery bags.

Without a thought, he pulled his vehicle over to the curb near her and rolled down the passenger window. She stiffened and glanced over at his truck. Her steps faltered as she squinted, trying to look into the cab.

“Candi!” he called out.

A smile spread across her face in recognition. His gaze slid down her body, and his cock strained against his jeans. Her shirt showed off her midriff, and the shorts revealed her brown thighs.

Suddenly, he was no longer tired.

“Dallas?” She moved closer to the vehicle and paused at the door. Her face was free of the makeup she usually wore at the bar, and even though she had tiny bags beneath her eyes, she was still just as beautiful to him.

“Need a ride?” he asked. He certainly wasn’t like Tanner who was smooth with the ladies. His friend always had a woman hanging off him and pretty much took a different one home each night. Dallas was more of the direct and to-the-point type of man. He’d had his share of one-night stands, and the woman from his last long-term relationship couldn’t deal with his absence when he’d been in the military.

“I wanted to thank you for the other night.” Her southern roots came through when she spoke.

She leaned against the truck, and his gaze dropped down to the sight of her teeth nibbling on her lip.

“That’s what I’m here for,” he muttered. It had taken everything he had to keep himself from breaking the guy’s arm who had grabbed her.

Kicking them out of the bar had been very generous.

Dallas had seen red when he’d made his way to her. Ever since the men had entered the establishment, he’d had a bad feeling about them. When his gaze had landed on her, it had been easy to see she’d been frightened and the men were not backing down from her.

We’ll make sure you are paid well.

He’d almost forgotten every oath he’d ever taken.

“I know, but I just want to let you know that I really appreciate everything.”

They stared at each other for what seemed like forever, before Dallas hit the unlock button on his door. “Let me take you to breakfast.”

“I have to get home. I have these groceries.” She held her hands up to show off the bags.

“Come on, Candi, let me take you for breakfast.” He leaned over and opened the door. “Your bags will be fine. Think of this as a way for me to thank you for keeping the coffee coming.”

She grinned and nodded. “Okay.”

Candi slid into the truck, and Dallas’s heart rate increased hearing the door shut.

“Anywhere special you’d like to go?” He pulled the truck from the curb and into traffic.

“I don’t know. You pick, and I’ll treat.” She laughed.

His gaze flew to hers, and he shook his head. There was no way he’d be letting her pay.

Dallas McNeil never let a woman pay for anything.

“You don’t have to treat. Your coffee is payment enough.” He chuckled.

Her gasp filled the air. His gaze cut to hers, and a shocked expression appeared on her face.


“I think that is the first time I’ve heard you laugh.” She placed a hand on her chest and feigned amazement.

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