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“Must you always hold my hand when you walk me to my car?”

“I must.”


She grabbed his hand and he helped her to her feet then escorted her out of the club. He didn’t miss the way her hand shook slightly in his grasp. Though she pretended she wasn’t attracted to him, he knew she was. In the hall, he stopped so Criss could put on her shoes.

“Why must your employees take their shoes off when they enter your office, yet, you get to wear your shoes in your office?”

“Not all my employees do. Only a select few.”

“That makes no sense.”

“My office, my rules.”

“Well, it’s a dumb rule.”

“Soon, your shoes won’t be the only thing you take off when you enter my office.”

A slight blush crept into her cheeks. “Must you always behave inappropriately? Don’t you see Yury standing over there?”

Con chuckled but said nothing. Once Cristal had her shoes on, they followed Yury outside. Con walked Cristal to her lemon of a car while Yury activated the club’s alarm system and locked the door.

Cristal snatched her hand from his when they reached her ride. “Thank you,” she muttered angrily, before getting into her vehicle. He stood next to her car while she cranked it up. It took a few tries before the thing sputtered to life.

He waved bye to her. She ignored him and sped off. Rude ass. She needed to be careful before her death-trap of a ride cut off on her again. The damn thing wouldn’t go over forty miles an hour without shaking like a hooker in the winter.

“Are you ready sir?”

He turned to find Yury holding the back door of his car open for him. Nodding, Con walked over to his ride and got inside. Once Yury was behind the wheel, he told him, “Follow Cristal home and then take me to Delilah’s house.”

“Yes, sir.”

During the fifteen-minute drive, Constantine went over in his head what had transpired between him and his employee. He was using the term employee loosely. She wasn’t on payroll.

He didn’t even need the money she gave him every Friday and Saturday night to pay for his already repaired taillight. However, there was something about the feisty yet skittish Cristal Dawson that made him want to keep her around.

Scratch that.He didn’t want to keep her around, he had to. Want implied he had a choice over the matter. He didn’t. He’d lost that ability the first day he met her. He wasn’t one of those fools who believed in love at first sight.

He did however, believe in lust at first sight. He was deeply in lust with Cristal Dawson. It would take a few nights of uninterrupted fucking for him to shake these unwanted feelings she stirred inside of him.

He couldn’t even pinpoint exactly what it was about her that was driving him crazy with need. Maybe it was her curves. Or that ass. Damn, that ass! Every time she got smart with him, he pictured himself bending her over his desk and spanking her until she learned to respect him.

Her plump ass wasn’t the only thing he was attracted to. He also couldn’t seem to resist her pretty brown skin or her full lips that made him want to slide his cock between them. Con shifted in his seat.

Just thinking about her had the blood racing to his cock. Since the day she slammed into his car, he’d been unable to get her out of his thoughts. He even dreamed about her. It wasn’t like he was hard up for women.

He had a club full of women throwing themselves at him. Normally, he didn’t mix business with pleasure. He didn’t fuck women he had to work with. With Cristal, he’d make an exception, especially since she wasn’t really his employee.

“Do you still have eyes on her?”

“Yes, boss.”

Con relaxed against his seat. A few minutes later, the car slowed down. Sticking to their normal routine, Yury pulled up next to where Cristal was parallel parked in front of the two-story home she shared with her grandmother and niece.

Yeah, he knew her living situation. After their first encounter, he’d made it his mission to find out as much about her as possible. He still felt he didn’t know enough. He watched her get out of her car. Not looking his way, she strode toward her home.

Con rolled down his window. “Sweet dreams, Cristal.”

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