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“Nah, when I leave, Constantine and his guard usually follow me home.”

Lina sighed. “That’s so sweet. You’ve been here a little over a month and you’re just now telling me that.”

Cristal shrugged. “I didn’t think it was important.”

Lina shook her head as she walked from around the bar to go meet Jeff. “Not important! That’s very important. We’ll talk about this next week. I can’t believe you’ve been keeping that from me.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Cristal said as she watched Lina walk away.

Alone behind the bar, she leaned against the counter and waited to be called to the back. She was still waiting, long after Lina and Jeff came out of the Cashier’s Room and left to go home for the night.

She didn’t know what Constantine did in that back office until the wee hours of the morning, but she was getting tired of waiting up on him. Just as she was about to dose off against the bar, his guard, Yury, called her name.

Rubbing her eyes, she raised her head from the bar counter to stare at Yury. He was a big Hulk sized man with long hair that he kept pulled back into a ponytail. He rarely talked, unless he absolutely had to.

“The boss is ready for you now.”

It’s about damn time. Cristal couldn’t deny that she always felt a little excited when she began her trek to the back office. She felt even more excited whenever she stared at Constantine. That excitement always evaporated when he spoke to her.

He was nice to look at, not so nice to talk to. Cristal stepped from behind the bar and followed Yury to the back room. As they neared the office, her excitement grew. She straightened her shirt on her.

Now that Lina had pointed out how outdated her style was, she felt self-conscious about her attire. Screw that. It wasn’t like she was trying to impress Constantine, the jackass, anyway. When they made it to the back room, Yury stopped outside the door.

“You can go inside,” he told her. “First, take off your shoes.”

He never went in with her. He always waited outside until Constantine escorted her from the room. Cristal slid her shoes off then took a deep breath and gripped the door handle. Slowly releasing the breath, she twisted the knob and stepped into Con’s first floor office.

As usual, the room was dimly lit. The walls on the left and right side of the room were decorated with bookshelves that were the home to all types of books. She moved into the room, stepping onto the black plush carpet.

She could understand why he didn’t like having people walk on his carpet with their shoes on. The carpet was beautiful. So was the entire office. So was the man who owned the office.

Speaking of the owner, her eyes drifted to the back of the room. There he was, Constantine Novinkoff, seated behind a large mahogany desk. Those broad shoulders of his were begging her to put her legs over them.

Too bad an idiot like him couldn’t handle a thick chick like her. It was a shame, because there were so many things she could do to those sexy lips of his. They always seemed to scream ride me.

Those dark eyes of his seemed able to peer into her soul. In his hand was a glass of bourbon, that he was slowly sipping as he glared at her. Cristal sighed. He was always glaring at her.

It was hard to fantasize about him when he had a scowl on his face. Oh well, she would just wait until she fell asleep to dream about all the wild things she could do to Constantine if he wasn’t a prick.

“Cristal, are you just going to stand there all night, staring at me?”

His deep voice pulled her away from her fantasies. Swallowing, she nervously moved closer to his desk. She held his gaze as she walked. Though he was an intimidating jerk, she refused to show him just how much he intimidated her.

When she reached the desk, she went to sit down in the chair across from him. She froze mid-squat when she remembered he didn’t like for her to sit down without being told to do so. Jerk.

She stood in front of his desk, watching him as he watched her. Why did the devil incarnate have to be so wickedly handsome? Then again, even Lucifer was said to be the most beautiful angel created.

The devil before her always kept his black hair cut low. His goatee was always trimmed. Normally, she didn’t like facial hair. On him, it worked. She was pretty sure there was a muscular form underneath that tailored black suit he wore.

She could tell by the way it fit his frame. The man exuded ‘Big Dick Swag’. And there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him, unlike her. But, like her granny always said, a few extra pounds never hurt anyone. Criss had more than a few. Still, they weren’t hurting anyone.

“You may sit down.”

His deep voice pulled her thoughts back to the present. She sat down. He took another sip of his drink as he watched her. For a long time, they just sat there, staring at each other. Criss was the first to look away.

“Please tell me you made over a hundred tonight,” Con said.

Cristal stared at the back wall.

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