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The truck’s tires skid along the gravel as I shoved the gas pedal into the floorboards and followed the trail far west. A quick scan of the internet had turned up several locations for The Society’s operations but only one was the main headquarters. The address was only five hours away.

Hell, they even had a map on their website that gave the damn directions from every prominent highway in the vicinity.

It couldn’t be that easy, could it?

Who left their main address so vulnerable and exposed to the enemy?

Maybe it was just plain arrogance. Stupidity was also an option, but this sadistic group of killers didn’t strike me as the careless or reckless type. They weren’t ignorant of shifters or their abilities. The only logical conclusion was these men welcomed and expected their enemy to seek them out which meant The Society was prepared and their compound well-fortified.

Disabling their defenses wouldn’t be easy.

Not that it would stop me from killing everyone in the compound and finding Becca.

I parked the truck several miles away and close to the main road. I wasn’t in doubt that we may need a quick getaway, especially if Becca was injured. My wolf howled at the mere thought and I shook my head, determined not to let negative thoughts consume me.

The short jog to the main building didn’t take long. I was there within minutes. Crouched low, I used my keen senses of hearing and sight to assess my enemy. My left ear flicked back as male voices rose in argument, several laughing in the background. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up on end as I heard the distinct and familiar whimper of the woman I came to rescue.

Scanning the bodies of the men closest to my position, I memorized each location within a few seconds. Rage built beneath my skin as my stomach clenched. I would kill every last one of them before I got to Becca and any that survived would also meet their doom the moment she was secured. Stripping out of my clothes, I left them in a pile under a bush and slowly stood as a tingling sensation erupted along my spine.

Seek out your prey.

The wolf and I were always closest right before a shift. Our minds melded and collided as our mutual urges and desires became one. Pinpricks danced along my skin as the need to transform and seek retribution rolled over my entire body in a heavy haze. Claws erupted from my fingers as I swiped along the tree with three quick slashes, marking the direction I would leave once Becca was next to my side. Broken bones and shifting flesh were a temporary discomfort and one that I had learned to overcome with time and experience.

My wolf and I were now one bloodthirsty and dangerous creature.

The forest bloomed as if suddenly alive with a burst of colors, smells, and the stench of man. Sweat and human musk clung to the air as I turned toward my prey. My paws hit the ground in a muffled thud as I made my way toward the farthest man from the warehouse. Sweeping in a wide arc, I let my wolf lead the hunt.

Our prey.

The human never saw or heard me before the leap knocked him to the ground. Going immediately for the throat, I clamped down with my jaws and severed the main arteries. His body twitched a few times before I shook his flesh violently and tossed him like a ragdoll to the ground. Dragging the corpse into the nearby trees, I made sure no one would find him long enough to finish my objective.

One by one I picked off the surrounding guards until no one remained outdoors. Lifting my snout, I inhaled and sifted through the myriad of odors until I found the scent I was looking for. Becca’s normally sweet and intoxicating smell was masked by the metallic and rustic tinge of blood. The wolf and I snarled, our rage increasing as we headed inside the building.

The stench of gunpowder was heavy in the air as if a weapon had been recently discharged. Something made a loud clatter as it hit the ground and slammed against the wall. I couldn’t see the individual but heard the grunt of pain that followed. A human male had been attacked. Perhaps Becca wasn’t as incapacitated as I previously thought.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as I crept around the corner and searched for any hint of life. The wide-open room was empty. Two halls split to the left and right and I went to the left first knowing Becca was in that direction. My heart hammered inside my chest as my wolf trembled in a combination of excitement and anticipation. Voices could be heard as they raised in argument.

Something was banging against metal and the vibrations made my wolf wince.

Prowling around the corner, I found a group of human men gathered in a large room. They were shouting as someone described the carnage outside. Fear scented the air along with human sweat. Good. I wanted them to be afraid.

Lunging for the first man, I snatched him from the others and darted into the shadows as I snapped his neck. Cries of confusion filled the air as I attacked again. The next two men went down without revealing my position. The room was much too dark but my keen wolf senses were sharp and my vision was accustomed to darkness. They never stood a chance.

All that was left were three men who spread out with rifles. The weapons discharged several times as I moved around and tried to prevent them from closing in.

“If you think you’re going to rescue the girl, you’re wrong. I have big plans. Her rehabilitation is nearly finished. Right after I sink my cock inside her and break her worthless neck.”

Rage exploded inside my chest as I roared with fury. Bullets hit the ground as the two men next to the one with the loudmouth were frantic and missed their intended target. My claws ripped into the shoulder of the first man and sliced him to the bone. The second was tossed to the ground as I tore his limbs from his body and growled, blood dripping from my sharp incisors. The man who threatened to rape and kill my woman fled from the room and didn’t return as I turned toward the metal cage that hung suspended in the air by about five feet.

Something wasn’t right. This rescue attempt was entirely too easy. I didn’t voice my concerns aloud as I looked at Becca and released a shaky breath.

My wolf snarled and howled, sniffing out any further threats before I shifted into human form and yelled Becca’s name. She didn’t answer. I was unsure if she was conscious.

Scanning the room, I found the switch that lowered the metal cage to the ground. Once it was safe to do so, I approached. My wolf whined as fear crept up my spine. How badly was she hurt?

Dried blood coated a good portion of her naked skin. My wolf snarled as I caught a glimpse of ligature marks around her wrists and ankles. Bruises marred the perfect caramel color of her skin while burns and other recent marks proved the extent of The Society’s torture.

Inside, I died a little with the knowledge that she’d been harmed and abused in such a way. Afraid to move too fast or spook her, I approached slowly, my hands in the air. If her wolf reacted with violence things could get out of hand quickly.

“Bec,” I whispered, choking on her name as those familiar gray eyes tinged with violet stared up at my own. Lost and in pain, she appeared too weak to move.


If it was the last thing I did, I would come back and avenge her suffering with my dying breath.

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