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Nico stirred from a deep sleep. Squeezing his eyes closed, he tried to hold on to the dream fading away into the mist. Visions filled his mind of his body wrapped around Vini’s, his cock deep inside her warmth, as he claimed her over and over again. It was the best rest he’d had in a long ass time. He winced as his body reminded him why he was laid up in bed. He turned his head to see if Vini was still in the room with him.

Grunting, he slid his legs to the side of the bed, sitting up. Light poured through the window, making him smile. It felt good to be back in their bed. Even if she wasn’t next to him, it was still where he belonged.

“You’re awake,” her voice was clipped.

Fuck. She was still angry with him.

“Looks like it.” Okay, maybe his mood was still shit, so he couldn’t throw stones. “What day is it?”


He’d lost over a week laid up with this gunshot wound. He’d never been down this long after something like this. “Too fucking long,” he mumbled under his breath.

“Well, next time you get shot go somewhere else. Maybe to someone who’ll allow you to do whatever the fuck you want.”

Sighing deeply, he shook his head. This woman was going to be the death of him. “Vini, that’s not what I meant.”

“Doesn’t matter. You clearly don’t like how I take care of you anymore. Fine. Whatever.”

Gritting his teeth in frustration, he held back from taking the bait. There was so much that needed to be said but now wasn’t the time. Plus, it pissed him off that the woman he loved more than his own life thought he’d made a fool of her. Cheated on her with another woman just to complete a job. She’d forced him to defend his love to her, only to make him feel like a pariah. “You chose to walk away. Don’t get pissed at me because I accepted your decision,” he ground out, wincing in pain as his stomach clenched.

Yeah, maybe he was still a bit pissed about that. Glancing at her, he saw the anger simmering in her eyes as well. He knew that look. She wanted to respond to his terse words but chose to stay silent. That was interesting. Vini never stayed silent on anything. Half the time he had to force her to be quiet. “Why are you standing there like that? What’s wrong?”

Shaking her head, she pasted a fake smile on her face. The one usually reserved for her patients. He wasn’t a fool.

“Nothing’s wrong. I’m about to start breakfast. Do you need help getting in the shower?”

“Nah, I’m good.” The last thing he needed was to continue relying on her. He was hurt, not dead. “I can handle it. Everything still in the same spots?”

“Um, yeah,” she shrugged, “but I placed some towels in there for you. Your stuff is still where you left it.”

Staring into her brown eyes, he felt a pang of happiness that she hadn’t thrown it out. At least he was almost positive no other man had been in here. No, he was sure about it. His Vini would never betray their vows that way. Which made him wonder why she thought he would.

Plus, if another man stepped foot in his home, he’d hunt that motherfucker down and slit his throat. Vini knew this. No matter how upset she was with him, she wouldn’t put someone’s life in danger like that.

“Why didn’t you throw it out? If you thought I was cheating? If you thought I’d actually leave you for another woman, why keep my stuff?” He never seemed to know when to shut the fuck up. Especially when it came to her.

Not sure why he asked the questions in the first place, her answers became the one thing that would keep him breathing. This woman was his life. Vini, his firecracker, his angel. She was the only one with the ability to tear him down and build him up at the same time. Just her touch could calm the beast inside him. She had no idea the lengths he’d go to in order to keep her safe.

He’d cut out his beating heart before ever betraying her. What had he done over the years to tear down her trust in him? She was his wife. He’d loved her for so long, for her to react the way she did six months ago… he didn’t understand it, and probably never would.

He and Vini…well, their lives had gone in a direction no one expected. From the day he’d met the feisty girl, she’d had his attention. His soul recognized a kindred spirit. Barely contained anger and rage flowed through her veins. When she let it loose, all he could do was move out of the way. Although he never let her get hurt, he knew when she needed the release. When the build-up of emotions coursing through her veins became too much to bear, he’d been the one helping her get what she needed. When she finally let it out, all the anger, need, and hurt pumping through her body—it was a fucking work of art. Hurting people wasn’t something she enjoyed but it was done out of necessity. The only ones safe from her wrath were her parents, Max, and him.

Once her mother passed away, he didn’t think she’d ever come back to him. The darkness had almost overwhelmed her. She was reckless, dangerous, and lacked any regard for her own safety. And when they came together in bed, it was raw, needy, and oh-so fucking hot. His woman had been insatiable.

What else would a man like him do when he found the angel that soothed his demon soul. He married her.

No. What he needed to focus on was how to make things right between them.

His love for her began to unfurl the first day they met. Watching her beat that girl into the ground for disrespecting her family that way. It was the sexiest thing he’d seen in all eighteen years of his life. From that moment, he’d kept her by his side. She belonged to him and only him. These past six months had been his own personal hell. He’d needed his wife, his love, his angel, and she hadn’t been around. It was as if she’d forgotten him and what they meant to each other.

With all the shit he and Max had to deal with, not being with Vini had just about killed him. Thinking back on his call with Max the other day, he’d meant every word out of his mouth. He was exactly where he needed to be. Home.

At Lavinia’s continued silence, he raised an eyebrow. “Nothing to say?”

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