Page 368 of Obsessive Temptation

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If I knew anything about pouring fancy drinks, I would have hopped over the bar and made something just to show support for Alisha. Andrew comes over, his frown deepening as he stares at me.

With a snort, he turns to Alisha. “Whiskey neat, none of those girly drinks for me.”

“You’ve already had three,” Alisha chides.

“I need more if I have to endure this meal.”

I won’t lie, if I had a car, I would leave. Baxter moves to stand behind me, one hand on my waist, the other on the bar. He kisses the side of my head then moves closer. He was baiting his parents. They hate me, it’s obvious. They hate my clothes and probably made assumptions about me based on how I looked the first day I met them. Had I known I was going to meet his parents that evening, I would have changed clothes. Of course, if I’d known the reason Baxter wanted me to meet him that first night, I wouldn’t have shown up.

I hadn’t said anything to Baxter about what I did for a living, and I wasn’t going to. I wouldn’t tell any of them I design clothes. I didn’t want Baxter’s mother to develop a false face just because she thinks I might be someone famous. I almost laugh at my thoughts. I’m not famous at all. I’m lucky that I’m known to a few faithful followers who purchase my clothes. Those people are my base, and I’m forever grateful for them.

Alisha sets my drink in front of me, and I smile, hoping it doesn’t look too fake as I wish I were anywhere but here. “Thank you.”

“Take a sip and tell me what you think.” Alisha begins working on another drink, and she pours Andrew his whiskey, setting it down in front of him.

“Fix Baxter one of these. It’s a real man’s drink, not one of those sissy things you’re making.”

I suck in a quick breath as I lift my glass. Don’t say a word, not one, whispers through my thoughts. But I can’t keep my mouth shut.

“Actually, Baxter wants a beer,” I say as I turn to him and brush my lips over his cheek.

“That’s not a drink for a powerful man,” Andrew spits out as he gets up and stumbles out of the room, drink in hand.

“Baxter, what would you really like?” Alisha asks.

Baxter stiffens, the pressure of his hand on my waist increases. I say nothing. I've already gotten involved, and if any of this were real, they would be my in-laws. But it wasn't real and I'd never see them again after this week. I shouldn't make Baxter's life more difficult.

“I’ll take a beer, bottle if you have one.”

Alisha smiles. “I sure do. Let me get you one from this refrigerator. See, William, having beer stocked is wise. He said no one would drink it, but we have guests every weekend. It was a great buy.” Alisha opens the beer and hands it to Baxter. He takes a long draw and I can see him relax.

“Thank you, Alisha. It’s just the perfect temperature.”

“You’re welcome. So how’s your job going?”

While Alisha and Baxter chat, I steal a glance at Lucinda and William. They’ve moved to a set of chairs across the room. Lucinda’s lips are turned down in a frown and William has his finger out, shaking it at her. Their voices are low, so I don’t catch the conversation, but I wonder why William and Lucinda are arguing. Maybe it’s about Andrew and his drinking. The man seems to have issues. Heck, both of Baxter’s parents seem to have issues.

“You ready?” Baxter asks.

I look up at him, unsure where the conversation had gone. “Sorry, I wasn’t listening.”

“We need to dress for dinner.”

“Sure. Thank you, for the drink.”

Alisha flashes me a brilliant smile. “I love serving drinks. Take it up with you. We’ll be eating appetizers on the back porch in thirty minutes. Dinner will be served in an hour so I won’t be mixing any more drinks until dessert. You might as well enjoy it while you can. Oh, and I put you two in the same room. The other guest room is being redecorated and as you well know, Baxter, Lucinda and Andrew won’t sleep in the same room. But since you two are engaged, I figured it would be okay.”

I almost drop my drink, but Baxter covers for me and takes it from my hand before he flashes Alisha a toothy grin.

“Of course we don’t mind,” Baxter says before he steps away.

I follow, unsure what else I can do. As we climb the stairs to the second floor my eyes fall to the way Baxter’s pants fit his butt ever so nicely. My throat dries out, and I wish I had my drink in my hand, but climbing the stairs while drinking was dangerous. Besides, I would need a lot more than one mojito to be okay with this cluster of a mess.

Baxter opens the door to a room, and I pause. “How did you know this was the room we’d be in?”

“I’ve been coming to their home for years. This is always my room when I’m here.”

I nod absently. “Oh, okay.”

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