Page 339 of Obsessive Temptation

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I slipped the prickly brush I created over my body in the woods. Sweat trickled down my face as I peered through my scope observing my surroundings. My location was to the right of the cabin amongst the trees. I peeked at the front door then focused on the winding access road. To the naked eye my cabin appeared deserted. But to a trained SEAL he’d know it was a trap.

“We’ve got movement two miles out,” Valen confirmed.

“Roger that, Sebastian and I stated.

In an instant, I was back in combat. No time to worry about Nadia. My focus was to protect her and kill every single man approaching.

“Four trucks moving in,” Valen stated.

The nose of my AR fifteen poked out the brush. I held the trigger; bullets penetrated the tires of the first truck. The driver swerved left to right. I pressed the detonator an explosion erupted. Two trucks flipped over. No time to hesitate. I shot the next vehicles front tires. They swerved but rolled to a halt. The smell of tar filled the air. The men fled the remaining trucks taking shelter in the woods.

“Let the hunting games begin,” I said over the walkie.

“Brother, I got your back.” Valen held his position.

I rose, the brush fell from my muscled frame and hit the ground. Running further to my right, I ducked behind a tree. My ears perked up. Their coming.

“Aiden, coming up on your six.”

Peering around the thick tree truck. I aimed at my target and squeezed the trigger. The bullet slammed into his forehead and he hit the ground. Snatching up his weapon, I trekked deeper into the woods. I heard a squirrel scurry up the tree beside me. A target crept toward me in my peripheral. Turning to my left, I smiled and squeezed the trigger, the bullet penetrated his head. I continued. Thompson should have hired a better crew. One by one I shot and killed five men. Standing behind a tree in the center of the woods, I was on my own. I didn’t have eyes to assist. Relying on instinct was what I had to do.

Where would I hide if I were Thompson?

Crouching, I tread, staring through my scope. The sounds of the Cicada surrounded me. His men laid in wait ahead. I grabbed a grenade from my vest and tossed it. Dropping to the ground, I shielded my body.

The explosion shook the earth under my feet. Trudging through the smoke, I attacked. Those injured received a shot to the head. I continued.

“Thompson, I’ve killed your crew. Come out. If you call more men. I’ll blow the gate. No one is coming to your rescue.”

Laughter filled the hot air. “Come and get me.”

A grenade landed at my feet. I dove behind a tree. I glanced down at the stick lodged in my thigh. Through barred teeth, I groaned, clutching my rifle. Scooting on the ground, I leaned against a large tree trunk.

“Aiden, are you hurt?”

“Yes,” I breathed.

“I’m coming.”

“No.” I bit out. “This is my fight. Stay in position, Lt. Commander Wilder. I’ll kill that son of a bitch,” I growled.

“Aiden, I’ll protect her. No one will come into this house.”

Pip, pip.

Rang out through the ear piece.

“These two fuckers are done.”

“Thanks, Caden.”

I snatched the stick out of my thigh. The blood trickled down my leg. Slipping the belt from around my waist, I tied it tight above the wound.

“Shit,” I grunted as I hopped to my feet. Tree sap shot up my nostrils as I peered into the distance. Our eyes met from a far. Thompson darted through the woods. I fired a shot and missed.

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