Page 298 of Obsessive Temptation

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I had to get to him before he left.

I didn’t bother saying “excuse me” or “pardon me” to any of the many people I bumped or whose toes I stepped on as I hurried to the end of the block that the hotel sat on. Protests, irritated grunts, and eye rolls were thrown my way, but I ignored them. I had a singular goal at the moment: get to Oden and let him know I was all in.

I was getting closer. He was just a few feet and about a half dozen people away from me now.

To my dismay, the shuttle chose that exact moment to roll to a stop at the curb in front of Oden. I picked up the pace, damn near shoving people out of my way now.

“Oden! Oden!”

At first, it seemed like he didn’t hear me, but then he stopped getting on the shuttle and turned around. He was so tall, he likely had a good view of things, even in the swarm of bodies. Or maybe, he could just sense my presence because, in a matter of seconds, his eyes found mine in the crowd.

Surprise filled his black eyes, but then determination set in. Dropping his carry-on where he stood, Oden marched purposefully in my direction. My jog slowed to a walk as I met him in the middle of the sidewalk.

We stopped, leaving a few feet of space between us. I could sense the hesitancy emanating from Oden, despite him being the picture of calm.

“I caught you,” I said lamely.

His trademark smirk settled on his face.

“It would appear so.”

I rolled my eyes, feigning annoyance. The reply was typical Oden, and I loved it.

“So…” I began.


“About earlier…”

“What about earlier?” Oden asked lightly. He wasn’t going to make this easy on me.

“I…I overreacted, and I was wrong,” I admitted with a little shrug. “I let my past—being cheated on and lied to—affect my future.”

A thick eyebrow lifted in confusion.


I took a few steps forward, lessening the gap between us a little.

“See, that’s the thing,” I said, looking him square in the eye. “I didn’t know I wanted a future with you until I remembered the pain of my past. The two are drastically different. A good thing.”

This time, it was Oden who moved forward, obliterating the space between us entirely.

“A very good thing, if you ask me.”

My voice softened as I replied, “Yeah, I am asking you.”

His hand stretched out to brush still-damp curls out of my face. It was pointless because the wind was blowing like crazy. But the feel of his fingertips on my skin gave me butterflies.

“Say it,” Oden said. I didn’t have to ask what he meant.

Gliding my hands up his hard chest, I interlocked them at the back of his neck.

“I’m ready. For any and everything.”

“You’re mine.” It wasn’t a question, more like a declaration. He was telling me what I already knew.

I didn’t hesitate to confirm, “I’m yours.”

Oden smiled so hard, I could make out every single tooth in his mouth. Dipping his head, he bestowed the sweetest of kisses upon me. I threw myself into it, wanting him to know we were operating on the same wavelength feelings-wise.

When we broke apart, I could feel the charge of attraction static between us.

So when Oden said, “We’re going upstairs, and I expect you to be naked before the door to your room closes behind us,” I wasn’t at all surprised.

Alphas. So fucking bossy when it came to the woman lucky enough to be their obsession.

Lucky me.


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