Page 285 of Obsessive Temptation

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Things with Oden were going amazing. I loved that I was able to work with him for forty hours a week and be perfectly professional, then spend my nights and weekends doing the dirtiest things with him. My high sex drive was being matched orgasm for orgasm, and I was fucking loving it.

Beyond the sex, though, I really liked Oden. His mind, for starters, was brilliant. Seeing him come up with a campaign concept, then work tirelessly to bring it together was awe-inspiring. And now it was finally time for me and the other Underthingz models to do our part.

“Addy, are you packed yet?” I asked, adding creamer to my coffee in the ULC cafeteria.

She shook her head, causing her long, shiny mane of black hair to sway.

“You know I’m always last minute.”

I blew on my coffee and took a tentative sip. It was a Monday morning, so I was naturally dragging. Also, I’d been up having sex with Oden until the wee hours of the morning, so there was that.

“Girl, get it together! We fly out for Miami tonight,” I reminded her.

Isobel and Maya walked into the kitchen at that exact moment.

“I, for one, cannot wait to spend the next six days in Miami,” Maya said, jumping right in.

Me and Addy both enthusiastically agreed. Isobel, on the other hand, made a sour face.

“I would have thought our famous new marketing director would have chosen some place more glamorous. Like Jamaica or Ibiza.”

I turned my head, rolling my eyes and taking another sip of coffee. I was working on too little sleep to deal with my high maintenance co-worker’s shenanigans today.

“Oh, stop complaining,” Maya admonished. “It’s an all-expense paid trip, and it’s not like we’ll be working the entire time!”

She and Addy high-fived before diving into a conversation about partying at the hottest clubs in Miami. I half-listened, but really, I was imagining Oden fucking me on the beach. I could almost feel the hard, yet soft sand digging into my skin as he thrust in and out of me.

“And what are you smiling about?” Isobel’s annoying, slightly whiny voice said, pulling me out of my daydream.

I blinked, shocked to find Isobel’s willowy body now standing right in front of me.

“Oh, nothing. Just super excited about headlining the ‘Maybae’ campaign.”

I knew this was a sore topic for Isobel, but I didn’t care. Maybe next time she would let me stand here and daydream in peace.

“Humph,” she said, before turning and stalking off.

I watched her retreat, shaking my head wryly. She was jealous of me heading up a campaign, but if she only knew I was fucking and sucking the man she repeatedly made a fool out of herself over, she would turn green with envy. And we know how much she disliked the color green on herself.

The flight from Pittsburgh to Miami was just under three hours. Only necessary staff from ULC were allowed to go, due to financial constraints. So that meant it would be Oden, myself, my three fellow models, and one of the senior administrative assistants, who would be Oden’s right-hand while down here.

Hair, makeup, photographers, the whole shebang, had been outsourced to those local in Miami. Oden had told me doing it this way was more cost efficient for the company than flying our own down. We’d be using the full in-house team for the June campaign, though, which we would start working on next week when we got back to Pittsburgh.

Our coach seats were all in the same two rows. Maya, me and Oden sat behind the row where Isobel, Adhira, and Wanda were seated.

Thirty minutes into the flight, Maya, in the window seat, was knocked out. I smiled at her light snores, nudging Oden and pointing at her. He cracked a small smile before going back to his phone. He was in super work mode, sending a million emails and going over the set layouts neurotically. It was fine by me because I knew that, come tonight, I would be, well, coming.

Relaxing against the seat, I pulled the blanket up around my shoulders and let my eyes drift shut. I wasn’t all the way asleep when I felt a hand creeping up my bare thigh. My eyes shot open, and I swiftly looked around, finding a pair of black eyes pinned on me.

Neither of us spoke as his hand continued its ascent up my leg. Under my skirt it went, and then he was stroking me in my most intimate place.

My eyes darted around the cabin. Not only was there a blanket over me, but nearly everyone on the plane was asleep or focused on their phones. That assuaged any worries I had. I relaxed and discreetly parted my legs so Oden could have better access.

Immediately, his fingers slipped under my panties, the pad of his thumb settling on my clit. Sparks shot through my pelvis when he began rubbing circles on it. I loved that he always seemed to know just the right amount of pressure to use. Some men smashed your clit like they were trying to win the prize in a game of Whack-A-Mole.

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