Page 268 of Obsessive Temptation

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Oden smiled and nodded. He had a sexy-ass smile. It showed off a perfect set of teeth, but more than that, there was something dominant about it. Like he knew full well the effect his smile could have on a woman and whipped it out anyway.

“Yes. It will be good to have one of the people who’ll actually be modelling the pieces with me. A new perspective, and all that.”

Well, what could I say to that, except, “Of course. I’m happy to go with you.”

He nodded and continued talking, doling out assignments for the rest of the staff. I could feel the heat of Isobel’s glare, but I made it a point to stay focused on the man-candy at the front of the room.

Twenty minutes later, I stepped off the elevator, entering the lobby where I found Oden waiting for me. He hadn’t seen me yet, so I appreciated the side view of his profile. That sharp stubble-covered jaw of his looked downright fucking kissable.

Suddenly, Oden turned his head and our gazes collided. His black eyes coupled with those seemingly always furrowed brows, added to his intensity. I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry and tight.

“All ready to go?” he asked with a small smile.

The smile threw me off because it softened his features, making him look like an entirely different man than the one he’d been just a few seconds ago. I nodded, and together, we exited the building.

ULC was located on a busy street, but then again, this was Oakland. With three top hospitals in the vicinity and a slew of popular restaurants nearby, there was always traffic in this part of Pittsburgh.

“We’re just over here,” Oden said, pointing to a black Audi parked at the curb.

When we reached the sedan, the driver started to get out to open the door for us, but Oden shook his head.

“I’ve got it.”

Opening the rear door, he stepped back, motioning for me to get in first. I accidentally brushed against him as I slid in the backseat, or maybe it was on purpose. Okay, it was definitely on purpose. Oden eased into the car and closed the door. As soon as he did, the aroma of his cologne became noticeable. It smelled insanely good.

“Seatbelt,” he said, clicking his own in place.

Sheepishly, I tugged mine on, and the driver pulled off.

The Underthingz warehouse was located in Crafton, Pennsylvania. Normally a twenty-five-minute drive from Oakland, with the traffic, it would take us close to an hour. I settled in for the ride.

We rode in comfortable silence for a few minutes, with me staring out the window and my new boss typing steadily on his phone. The tapping stopped at some point, and I could feel eyes on me. Not one to shy away, I turned and met his gaze head-on. Oden didn’t look at all embarrassed about being caught staring.

“I can see why you’re a model,” he stated, as if we’d been carrying on a conversation this entire time.

I blinked, caught off guard by the comment.

“Well…thank you?”

For a moment, he didn’t say anything, just stared unblinkingly at me, and I stared right on back. And then his phone buzzed, drawing his attention away. I blew out a breath, relieved to have a moment away from that…intensity. Though going by the pulsing in my nether regions, I kind of liked it.

I chanced a glance at Oden, whose head was bent as he focused on his phone. If I had to guess, he was around thirty-five or so. My eyes drifted to his hands, noting the absence of a wedding ring or the indentation from wearing one for a long time.

Not married and probably never been married. Yep, he was definitely a dog.

Shaking my head, I prepared to resume staring out the window for the rest of the ride, but then Oden’s eyes connected with mine.

A bubble of silence enveloped us.

“Sorry,” he eventually said, grinning. “I know this is awkward, being in a car with someone you only just met.”

He was being gracious. He didn’t look at all discomforted to be in a car with a stranger. In fact, he looked completely at ease.

“To rectify that, why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?”

“Only if you tell me about yourself, too,” I quipped.


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