Page 258 of Obsessive Temptation

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I board the elevator up to my office while declining the call coming through on my phone. Today is the first day back since the horrible holiday party three days ago. One would think they would have let us off until Monday. No sense in returning to work on a Friday, but hey, I don’t make the rules. As the doors chime open, my phone buzzes again, singing that stupid ringtone I set for Kade. With a deep sigh, I ignore his call for the millionth time and drop it in my bag before making my way to my office.

I don’t know why I didn’t make this easy on myself and block his number, then I won’t have to hear the tone. I fought with the thought of answering or returning his messages, but each time I stop myself. It kills me to do this to him after he basically poured his desires out to me. He really is a great guy; handsome, successful, extremely sweet and chivalrous. Everything a woman could want in a man, and he wanted me.

The news of him being my boss threw me for a loop. It would have been one thing to work in the same building or even for the same company. But he owns the company and many others on an international level. That’s intimidating, and to think I’ve sent him sexy photos of me and practically promised him my waiting pussy. I panicked. It’s that fucking simple. I saw him and instantly thought about what Erin or Lauren would say. To say I don’t want to explore all he has to offer would be a lie. I miss him like crazy, but I just can’t.

I fought tooth and nail to get this job and worked diligently to prove myself to Lauren. Nothing can stand in the way of that. She’s one of the best in this field and the exact reason I wanted to work here. Kade is sexy and could probably give me the world, but I like what I’ve earned and don’t want to ruin it.

“Hey, Jessica, there—”

“Hey, Erin. Hold that thought. I need five minutes to call my mom,” I interrupt while turning the knob and walking into my office. Closing the door behind me, I strut over to my desk, not paying much attention to my surroundings. When I set my purse and keys on the surface in front of me, a voice calls out from behind, startling me. I jump, clutching my chest before the familiar rattle of his vocals registers.

“Sweets,” Kade repeats, but I refuse to face him.

I hear him stand from the love seat stationed on the other side of the room behind the door. I curse myself for not moving its position like I’d planned many times in the past. If I had, I would have seen him immediately and been able to avoid this.

I drop my hands at my sides and toss my head back in surrender. Taking a second to gather myself, I turn to find him standing near the door. God, he looks so good. With all the emotions that ran through me the other night, I hadn’t allowed myself to truly admire him. The way he’s built, tall and…beefy. His tan bald head glistens under the bright lights and I blush as I think about how soft it would feel. He’s dressed casually in a pair of khakis and an untucked button-up shirt. The sleeves are rolled to his elbows, showing off the many tattoos that adorn his forearms.

“Why are you here?” I ask.

He locks the door and takes several steps forward, pinning me between him and my desk. “You weren’t answering my calls or messages, and I told you, I’m not letting you walk away from me. Not without a good reason.”

“I’ve given you plenty—”

“No, you gave me theory. You panicked and jumped to the worst-case scenario before ever giving us a shot. Sorry, but I can’t accept that, sweets.”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I sigh. “Kade, I don’t really know what else to tell you.”

“Tell me why you’re getting in the way of this. We’re both single, and at least I thought are highly attracted to one another, and we aren’t breaking any rules, so what’s stopping you?”

I don’t answer his questions. Instead, I lower my head and twiddle with the hem of my skirt. The fact is, Kade is right in everything he’s said. We are free to be or not be with each other—I checked. This was never supposed to be anything more than a little sexual, over-the-phone fun. Now he’s standing here in my office, demanding I give him more.

“Are you afraid to see where this could go? I won’t hurt you if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“I don’t think you will,” I say in a hushed tone.

“I’m grasping at straws here, sweets. I don’t know what’s going on in your mind, why you’ve decided not to give us a chance.”

“It’s real,” I shout. “This was supposed to be fun. We weren’t supposed to fall for each other, meet each other, kiss each other.”

“Great things come when you least expect them. Don’t be afraid to fall, because I’ll be here to catch you every time. You’ve got to trust me.”

I gently push him aside. My mind is cluttered and standing in front of him isn’t helping. Wrapping my arms around myself, I walk to the window and stare down at the street. Deep breaths keep me calm as I scramble to figure this all out. One of my biggest flaws is overthinking. Nothing is ever simple with me, I know that. This thing we have makes me feel blindsided.

“This intimidates me, Kade. It was good when we didn’t see each other. Fun and freeing. I got to experience a side of me no one’s ever met. But that’s what makes this so…challenging for me. You want to know the real Jessica Daly, and I thought I was okay with that. Then I realize not only do I not know you, I’ve been presented with two versions of you. There’s Kade, my fun, caring and flirty guy from LA who makes me smile. Then there’s Oliver, the CEO of my company.”

“I’m one person. Oliver and Kade are just names, not who I am. I’ve shown you the real me, it’s a matter of if you want to explore openly.” He pauses. “I can’t force you into anything, but I wish you’d consider giving this a real shot.”

Kade is behind me now. His breath on the back of my neck sends a chill down my spine.

“Can you do that, sweets? Can you give us a real chance?”

He touches me, and I shiver. Why does my body want to betray me? So many feelings course through me. He runs his hands up and down both arms, making it hard for me to make sense of things. I lean into his chest, feeling the drumming of his heart against my back. Tingles surge through me, and I moan unexpectedly. Kade places a hand on my shoulder, kneading it then rubbing it up the back of my ear and down again. Fuck it! I turn toward him, taking his face between my palms and crashing our mouths together. Without hesitation, he kisses me back, pulling me into his arms. Kade takes a step backwards, allowing me to lead him over to my desk. We bump it hard, but that doesn’t seem to matter to him.

He sits on the edge with me locked between his thighs. His hands roam my body, starting at the nape of my neck then down to my ass, where he squeezes and groans in my mouth. The hunger radiating from him fuels my own as I fumble to undo his button-up. For a split second, I think about ripping it open like they do in the movies but quickly decide against it. How would we explain him exiting my office with a buttonless shirt? When I reach the last piece of round plastic that holds the fabric together, I run my hands down his chest. I release a moan at the feel of hair beneath my fingertips and the thick yet smooth ridges of his abs.

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