Page 255 of Obsessive Temptation

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Erin takes the seat next to me on my right with a smile plastered on her face. All week long she boasted about the holiday party that I even got a little excited about it myself. But my thrill for the evening is mainly focused around the fact I’m going to meet Kade at the end of all this. When he first asked me a week ago during our virtual date, and while I agreed, I admit I was hella nervous and nearly canceled on him a few days later. But he wasn’t having it. Not in a possessive, youbelong to me type of way, but in an I’ll do whatever it takes for you to be comfortable kind of way.

“What are you so happy about?” I ask, shifting in my chair and crossing one leg over the other.

“Nothing. Melissa from accounting told me something funny,” she answers and points to the front of the room.

Lauren is standing near the center, using the microphone to gather everyone’s attention. We’ve been in the Westin Hotel conference room for most of the day. It started as an all staff meeting, and things are finally settling down. The crowd quiets, directing our sights up ahead.

“Good evening, everyone. Today’s been a full day for sure, and I know we’re all ready to get some food and drinks in us, but we have one last vital part of the evening. As most of you know, we like to use this time to appreciate, celebrate, and congratulate those staff members who have excelled throughout the year. Oliver, would you like to do the honors?” Lauren says, stepping aside as a man takes the center.

“Of course, thank you, Lauren,” Oliver speaks before giving her a friendly embrace. “What’s going on, everybody? Welcome to our annual holiday party. Are we having fun?” Oliver speaks into the microphone.

As his vocals radiate through the space, my senses perk up. Erin said he was a sight for sore eyes, but this is not what I was expecting. I peek around the room to find just about every girl in here salivating over our CEO. Oliver Braxton, a mid-thirtysomething business mogul with a big heart for philanthropy—or so the bio says. The photos on the company’s website don’t do him any justice. I can’t tell how tall he is, but he’s got to be over six feet. He wears his hair clean shaven with a fully grown and noticeably well-groomed beard. There’s an aura of confidence seeping from him, a vibe that is undeniable yet somewhat familiar.

“One thing that is important to our organization, to me, is we provide a place you all can enjoy coming to every day. A place that recognizes and promotes the accomplishments made throughout. We are grateful for the team we’ve found in each of you, and tonight I want to personally thank a few of you for all your hard work and efforts all year long. The names I will call have exceeded the expectations of their supervisors and have gone above standard limits to provide our customer base with the best sales strategy and negotiation training material on the market.”

I shift in my chair, trying to shake the feeling that’s come over me. I can’t put my finger on it, but with each word spoken from Oliver’s lips, a part of me tingles. I watch him closely, analyzing the way he moves, the way he licks his lips at the end of every sentence. I’m not too far away from where he stands, awarding me the perfect amount of distance to make out his features. Oliver calls off names, personally thanking each one with a sturdy handshake and a one-hundred-dollar Visa gift card.

“The next person, from what I’m told, hasn’t been a member of the team very long but came in swinging. She’s managed to secure several solo accounts as well as encourage the devotion of multiple corporate benefactors. On behalf of myself and Lauren, we’d like to honor Jessica Daly as Engagement Consultant of the year.”

Oliver says my name, and I lose my breath, completely tuning out everyone around me. Earlier, I had this feeling of familiarity when he spoke, but right now it’s undisputable. That deep and husky rattle I’ve grown to love and yearn for gives it all away. There’s only been one person to ever say my name and make my body betray me at even this most inopportune time. Kade?No fucking way, I think to myself.

“Jessica… Jessica. Are you okay?” Erin asks with her hand on my shoulder. “Oliver is calling you. Get up there.”

I snap back in the moment but don’t speak. When I look around the room, everyone is applauding and coaxing me to the front, but I’m unable to move. My mind is racing a mile a minute, and my brain has failed to tell my legs what to do next. This can’t be happening. I don’t know how to explain this feeling I have, but deep down I’m certain the man at the front of the room, my CEO, is the man I’ve spent the last month having phone sex with. Fuck… Fuck… Fuck. Okay, Jessica, play it cool. Just breathe!

“Jessica, if you don’t want this two-hundred- and fifty-dollar gift card, I’ll happily spend it.” Oliver chuckles, and I choke.

That laugh. That is Kade’s laugh.

“Sorry,” I finally say. Shaking off my nerves, I uncross my legs and slowly make my way to accept my award. My knees are weak, and my palms are sweaty.

I reach Oliver’s side, and he takes my hand into his, giving me a firm grip while pulling me into an innocent hug. I’m glad my face is pointed away from my colleagues because my eyes close instantly on contact. He smells really nice.

“Congrats,” he whispers in my ear, and I have to stop myself from whimpering.

Though I’m able to control the moans that want to escape me, I’m not so strong when it comes to the reactions of my body. I involuntarily lean into him, inhaling his sent. He pulls back, looking me in the eye, making things more challenging.

“Th-thank you,” I finally respond.

He places the trophy and gift card in my hand before encouraging the crowd to clap. As they do, I awkwardly bow and rush back to my table. I ignore all stares as best I can, not wanting anyone to get wind of how tense I’ve become.

“Are you okay?” Erin asks.

I nod yes to keep her from asking me any further questions. My world just possibly turned to shit. I don’t want to believe it’s him, it can’t be. How in the hell is this supposed to work? He’s my boss. I don’t do office romances, because they only end up dysfunctional and drama-filled. If people knew we were together, they’d view me differently, making it much harder for me to establish a name for myself within this company. Everything I know about life was left behind in New York. I can’t afford things blowing up in my face, I’ve worked too hard.

The more Oliver speaks, the more certain I am that he is who I think he is. How did I not figure that out? My skin pricks with sweat as I think about the fact that even the name he gave me isn’t real. What’s his angle? Did he think if I knew who he was, I’d be some sort of gold digger or something? Does he make a habit out of meeting girls and lying to them?

Curiosity gets me, and I pick up my phone to shoot him a text. Can’t wait to see you tonight. If he checks his phone, then I’ll know it’s him.

Oliver goes on for a bit longer before finally excusing us all to the room next door where we’ll be enjoying music, food, and drinks. Not once during his spiel did he acknowledge his phone, but that could mean he doesn’t have it on him at the moment. He pulls his iPhone from his front pocket, and I watch to see what sort of reaction he’ll have. If this is Kade, I expect him to smile or something when he sees my message. But Oliver doesn’t. He doesn’t even flinch and stuffs the device back in his pocket before escorting Lauren into the other room.

After a few seconds to gather myself, I take a breath of relief and join my peers in the main ballroom. Everything is decorated splendidly. To my right, there’s a buffet filled with mouth-watering options such as steak, shrimp, chicken, and a mixture of sides. On the far wall ahead of me is a dessert station, and next to that is our open bar. Yes! I point eagerly and dash over for some liquid courage. After receiving my drink, I go in search of Erin. I find her in a small circle of our colleagues chatting it up with Oliver. Choosing to avoid any awkward behaviors, I turn on my heels and find a seat at an empty table.

I down my drink in one gulp, telling myself to relax. Clearly, I am overreacting and there’s nothing to shit my pants about. It’s been quite a while since I texted Kade, and after seeing Oliver with his phone at least twice now, I’m starting to believe it’s a coincidence. Plenty of people have similar voices and builds. My stomach growls, reminding me I haven’t eaten since breakfast. I reach the buffet table and serve myself steak, shrimp, and a helping of cheesy risotto. As I enjoy my meal, I observe the room. Everyone seems to be having a great time. Some are dancing, while others engage in conversation. I spot Oliver talking to Lauren and our Vice President, Joe.

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