Page 239 of Obsessive Temptation

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“Are you a gambling man, Kade?” I smile and I swear he does, too.

“Only when something—someone—is of interest to me.”

“Um. Good to know.” The line is silent for several seconds. I’m not sure what to say next, and I get the feeling neither does he. The only sound emanating from the other end is his breath, which is almost in sync with my own.

“What are you thinking, sweets?”

“Who’s Candace?” I blurt with more force than intended.

“Right to it, huh? Candace is a young woman I would see during my occasional visits to Virginia.”

“Your occasional girlfriend?” I pry, not sure I appreciate his response. It shouldn’t really matter to me who this woman is to him. I only learned his name a second ago, but deep down I need to know, because even though I enjoy all the sensual things he says to me, there’s this probing sense of guilt.

“No. Not a girlfriend. I actually haven’t had one of those in a very long time. Candace and I dated for a brief stint a few years ago, but things never became serious.”

“What stopped it from doing so?” I ask, sinking myself deeper into my pillow and propping one foot on my knee.

He takes a deep breath. “Distance for one—while I do come to that area a few times a year for work, I travel for the rest of it. Another reason is a relationship wasn’t a thing either of us thought about. I’m picky with the company I keep, and while things were fun, Candace and I just didn’t fit the serious mode.”

“You said were and didn’t, but you were calling her a few days ago.” I squeeze my eyes shut, unable to keep from feeling regret in my line of questioning. This man doesn’t owe any explanations about his love life.

“You’re attentive and analytical. Let me guess. You work in either finance or programming of sorts?”

“Programming of sorts.” I smile, but it isn’t lost on me that he dodged answering my question. Not that it matters at all, but red flag.

“Maybe you can tell me all about it one day. But to address your concerns, I finally reached Candace—”

Okay, so he wasn’t dodging. “What happened, did she used to have this number?” I interrupt.

“No, her number is still the same, I just misdialed. Don’t ask why I didn’t scroll through my contacts and press her name.”

He chuckles, and I’m surprised to find that I like it.

“But I called the correct number later after my um…discussion with you that day in your office. Turns out, she’s met someone.”

“Oh. Well, okay…sorry?” I add, unsure of how to respond or if he’s affected by the whole thing. “Is this new? The thing with the guy?”

“I didn’t ask the details. It’s not my place. I made things very clear about my expectations, so she is well within her rights.”

“I get that, but you did have some sort of something. I mean, I don’t know you, but you don’t strike me as the type to call for phone sex without knowing if she’s expecting it.”

He laughs. “But isn’t that sort of what happened with you?”

I don’t try to hold back my laugh. He’s right. “Yes! But in your defense, you thought you were calling Candace.”

“Well, then, Jessica. What’s your excuse? You didn’t exactly protest my calls.”

“Ahhh.” I clasp my hand around my face, letting out a low grunt, embarrassed at myself. “I knew you were going to ask.” I laugh, and so does he. Damn, even his laugh is sexy.

“Well, share!” he encourages.

“I…was…masturbating when you interrupted.”

“You say that like you’re ashamed. Don’t be!” His tone lowers a few octaves, sending tingles through my body. “You should find confidence in pleasing yourself. When a woman knows exactly what it takes to get herself off, she releases a sexual energy that can be ravenous. And such energy can ooze out into her encounters with a partner. When she doesn’t know herself, it shows, and she allows him to dominate her body.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“No! Not at all. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a dominant man, but there’s nothing sexier than when a woman can open up and enjoy whatever pleasure she’s receiving. If she doesn’t know herself that way, she’s just there in the moment, and yes, the guy will most likely come. But when she’s truly aroused, his orgasm will be ten times better.”

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