Page 238 of Obsessive Temptation

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I stumble inside my apartment. Still tipsy from the liquor, I opt to slide to the floor, using my back to slowly close the door. The walk from my Uber to my home proved to be a feat, and all I want to do is get these evil strappy open-toe heels off. I unhook the sides, kick them off and crawling the rest of the way through my foyer. The only light comes shining in from the large window that I’ve yet to apply curtains to. Looking up at it now, I wonder why I’ve never done that. I’m sure it all makes sense to a sober me, but right now, all I hear are my mother’s words about serial killers and stalkers.

My purse buzzes on the floor, and I back track to retrieve it. With my back against the wall, I pull my iPhone from inside and let the bag fall back to where it previously sat. I fumble around for a bit, trying to get a good grip before answering.

“Hey, babe… Making sure you made it home,” Ariel’s voice calls out at me.

“I did. Just crawled in.”


“Don’t ask. How many drinks did we have? I’ve never been this drunk. I think I may have hit on my Uber driver,” I say as I lay down on my side.

“I stopped at three, but that guy you were chatting it up with brought you at least four, plus the one we had before they showed up.”

“Damn! Don’t let me do that again. I’m sure I’ll feel it in the morning.”

“Yup! But you needed it, though. You work too hard. Get some rest, I’ll check on you tomorrow.”

We say our goodbyes and end the call. I know I should get up and head into my room, but this floor feels like where I’m meant to be for the night. Not one to fight against fate, I close my eyes for a moment to collect myself.

A loud rattle snaps me from my daze, a bright light blinding me as my phone dances on my hardwood tiles. The time reads four-fifteen in the morning, and I realize I’ve been asleep for at least twenty minutes. Refusing to move, I accept the call and place the receiver to my ear while the other is pressed into the cold surface.

“Hello,” I say, groggily.

“Are you asleep, sweets?”

His voice flows through the speakers, instantly snapping me out of my sleep-filled haze. I grip the phone and sit up. His tone is low, sensual even, and if memory serves, this is his bedroom voice. I’m way too drunk to consider phone sex right now, but I’m not certain I want to tell him that. We’ve only spoken a couple of times, and neither of those instances held any real substance. Actually, the most normal conversation we’ve had was our texts from earlier.

“I was,” I finally answer.

“Should I call another time?”

“No! You’re fine. I need to get up off this floor anyway,” I add while grunting and lifting myself to my feet.

“Floor? Do I even want to know?” There’s a slight chuckle in his voice.

“Are you teasing me, sir?” I twist my back, stretching out my cramped muscles.


Picking my clutch and heels up from in front of the door, I head toward my bedroom. “Excuse me?” I flop down on the mattress.

“That’s my name. Figured after our last few conversations, you’d at least want to know it.”

“It’s nice…different.”

“Thank you!”

“No problem. So, did you have a specific reason for calling me at this hour?” I flirt, laying back and resting my head on a pillow.

“Just curiosity.”

“For what?”

“I wanted to hear what your normal voice sounds like. As for the hour, well, it was around this time when I first called, so I took a gamble.”

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