Page 225 of Obsessive Temptation

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MuthaFknQueen: What if I don’t want to come?

BigDickRide: You always want to come.

She could just hear him purring that last statement in his seductive voice. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with Jordan. She had too many upsets today to deal with the whims of a man tonight. She was just going to finish her bottle of wine and then go to bed.

MuthaFknQueen: I am going to give you a hard pass on that Jordan. I am going to bed now. Have a good night.

There. Problem solved. Jordan was just going to have to realize that he might be her employer now, but she was off the clock, and she didn’t answer to him. And if he didn’t like it, he could just suck it.

She finished off the rest of the wine, took a hot shower and wrapped her hair up. Just because she was having a shitty day, there was no reason she had to take it out on her blonde mane. The last thing she needed was to show up to her weekly hair appointment with her hair abused in any way, shape or form. Reginald was a catty little bitch. He would talk about her hair to everyone in the salon while she sat under the dryer. She really liked the miracles he worked with her hair, and she really hated to have to hem him up for talking smack about her. She was just going to eliminate all the problems and take care of her hair now. Because it was a hard thing to find someone who could work magic with her hair and she wasn’t going to risk an injury to Reginald because she was up in her feelers about Jordan.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Who the hell was banging on her door at this time of night? She looked at the clock and saw that it was still relatively early. She just had such a shit day that she was going to bed at seven o’clock.

She stomped to the door. Tiara peeked through the peephole to see a strange older man in a uniform standing in front of her apartment door. He was a portly gentleman under the black suit with a white shirt and black tie. His gray hair was neatly cut to look professional. Overall, he gave a feeling of harmless competence. Nothing that would alarm a normal person during the day, it was that Tiara didn’t know him that set off her cautious alarms. “What can I do for you?” She called through the door. As a single woman, she learned a long time ago not to open the door to strangers. The last thing she wanted was to be raped or possibly killed in her own damn apartment.

“Miss Tiara Lawson.” The man called out her name.

“Maybe.” She wasn’t admitting anything until she knew what this guy wanted.

“Mr. Lehmann hired my car company to pick you up and take you to your destination.”

“Oh, he did now?” How presumptuous of Jordan. She told that man what her plans were for the evening and he was just going to have to deal with it.

“Yes, ma’am.” The polite voice responded.

“Well, I am sorry for your trouble. But there has been a mistake. I am not going anywhere tonight.”

“I was instructed to tell you that if you refuse to accompany me on this trip that I was to sit here outside of your door and inform each of your neighbors that you had kicked me out of the house because I refuse to lick your pussy because you suffer from gonorr-herpa-syphill-aidsie.”

No, he did not just say that her pussy was infected? Tiara couldn’t believe that anyone would do what he said he was going to do. “I don’t believe you would do that. You don’t know me so why would you do something crazy like? You could ruin my reputation with my neighbors. Make my home life difficult.” She demanded answers through the door.

“Ma’am with all due respect, I was offered five hundred dollars for each time I had to say that statement to someone and frankly with two children in college I could use the money.”

“That is ridiculous.” She exclaimed in shock.

He just shrugged. “Please ma’am just come with me, and this can all be avoided.”

“No.” Tiara stomped away from her door and plopped down on her sofa. She wasn’t going to go running to Jordan just because he snapped his fingers. She truly didn’t believe that guy would do what he said he was being paid to do. It was just too crazy.

She sat on the sofa with one of her knees bent, her hands folded across it, and resting her chin on her hands when she heard a murmur of voices from outside her apartment. She looked at the clock on the cable box. Fifteen minutes had passed since she refused to open the door to the driver.

She got up and walked over to the door looking out the peephole. The driver was still there. She recognized the young mixed couple that he was talking too. They were new to her building. She had only talked to them a few times to know that they were a nice young couple of college sweethearts. They must have been returning from a shopping trip, she recognized the name of a popular organic grocery store that was just down the street.

“Good evening Ma’am, Sir,” she heard the driver greet the young mixed couple.

“Good evening,” the duo returned.

“It’s a beautiful night.” The female half of the two stated politely.

“It sure is,” the driver adopted a hangdog mien on his face, “At least it was enjoyable until my girl kicked me out for not performing cunnilingus.”

“Excuse me,” the girl responded. Her eyes widen in shock, and her mouth dropped open. Her male friend was barely able to grab the bag that slipped from her lax fingers.

“Yeah. I told her I would be more than happy to perform them, but she just needed to get that little case of gonorr-herpa-syphill-aidsie cleared up. I am allergic to penicillin, so I have to be careful about what I catch from her.” He gave a sad shake of his head as if he was discussing the rising gas prices, not that he was afraid to get flaming lips from Tiara’s kitty kat.

“Amen brutha,” the male half of the duo spoke up, “You can’t be too careful when it comes to those things that can make a guy’s dick burn.” The two men clasped hands in a bro hug of solidarity.

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