Page 216 of Obsessive Temptation

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Tiara skipped into work on Monday morning. There was nothing that could remove the feeling of sexual contentment from her face. She smiled and waved at her co-workers. Internally laughing at the googly-eyed look many of them gave her. Sure, she was known as the company grump, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t good at her job. It just meant that she didn’t deal well with bullshit and her co-workers had a way of creating a big old steamy pile of it.

“What the hell has you smiling on a Monday morning,” Barb asked her as Tiara sat down in her cubicle next to Barb’s. They had been friends from the moment they met in orientation six years ago as both of them started at Barnaby’s Call Center. Tiara straight out of college with her shiny new degree in Business Management that has proven to be worthless among the many other students with the same degree. Even taking night classes to earn her master’s in business management didn’t help her move up the corporate ladder. She was well aware of the reason why. It was moving her way.

“Miss Lawson.” Her slimy, smarmy work nemesis spoke.

“Mr. Davidson.” Her good weekend bubbled over. She managed to speak his name without snarling per her usual modus operandi. Huh, maybe it was true. Good sex did make the world go around. Well in her case absolutely fucking fabtabulous sex. Yes, she had her brains banged out, and she wasn’t afraid to admit it.

Her polite response must have scared Barb, she ducked back into her own cubicle. Even Mr. Davidson, took a step back from her, wary of her polite response.

She eyeballed the man, looking at him as objectively as she could. He was a nice-looking man; it was his fucking chauvinistic attitude that she couldn’t stand. Whenever she was up for a promotion, he always gave it to a man. His belief that a man needed it because he had a family to support was a bullshit excuse. Anytime a female made a complaint to Human Resources those assholes believed him when he told them that he picked the best-qualified candidate. How the hell can you pick a qualified candidate if they couldn’t even spell the company’s name correctly in a simple email?

He recovered quickly enough. “I just wanted to bring it to your attention that your customer satisfaction rating dropped this week. I will be keeping my eye on you.”

“May I ask by how many percentage points did it drop?” Look at her being a grown up. Her mother would be proud of her. Now if she could just get Barb to stop looking at her like she was possessed she could get through this workday. Bring on the weekend. Jordan would be back in town for more business meetings. He promised to give her his hotel information so they could meet up again. God save her from a man with a big dick who knew how to use it.

Her mind wandered off as Mr. Davidson began to drone on about how they figured the customer satisfaction rating. She was well aware of how it was done. Unknown to him she had taken all of the extra training that the company offered. As a matter of fact, before he became her supervisor, she had even attended the management training program offered by the company. Maybe she should give up her hope of getting a promotion. Every male that participated in that class had already moved on to bigger and better things. It was the females that were left behind, still manning the phones in their customer service position. Why was she still wasting her potential on this dead-end job?

This weekend of loving from Jordan opened her eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. She realized that she had settled into her life. She had gotten comfortable. Accepting the same old same old routine as the way of life. Now that she had experienced a major change. Yes, getting the life fucked out of her was a major change, it opened her eyes to other aspects of her life. She needed to move on or move up. Either way, she needed a career change.

She marked her mental calendar with an expected date. She would give it one more month. If something profound didn’t happen at Barnaby’s Call Center, then it was time for her to pack it up and move it out.

She turned her attention back to Mr. Davidson. “Well sir that is all well and good, but you have not answered my question.” Damn Barb and that wide-eyed owl look. She was going to have to talk to her about her glasses. It was hard to keep a straight face when she was looking at her bugged eyed from behind those lenses. She really should get some contacts and stop hiding behind those things. “How many percentage points did my customer’s satisfaction rating drop?”

“Well, that is not important.” Davidson hemmed and hawed.

“How will I know what to set my goal at if I don’t know how much I need to improve?” Tiara countered. If all else fails use logic on an illogical person.

“Zero-point five percentage points.” Mr. Davidson answered between clenched teeth.

Tiara took a deep breath and went to her happy place. That her happy place now consisted of Jordan’s cock buried deep in her it was easy to find. She smiled at Mr. Davidson. He took another step back from her. She smiled even wider. “I will do everything in my power to improve that statistical anomaly. Please be ensured that I am giving Barnaby’s Call Center my best work.” She gave him a sweet smile full of teeth.

Mr. Davidson took another step back bumping into another employee. “Yes…um…yes. You do that Miss Lawson.” He stopped, straightening his suit jacket, attempting to stand taller. “I expect nothing less than your best.” He said with a firm nod.

Tiara smiled wider showing all of her teeth.

Mr. Davidson released an undignified squeak, scurrying away from her quickly.

“What the fuck was that?” Barb whooped from her seat taking her glasses off and laying them down on her desk as she engulfed Tiara into a huge hug. Tiara inhaled her scent of cocoa butter and cinnamon, a flavor that belonged only to the small, dark-skinned woman who had been her friend since the beginning. “Your high-yellow ass has been possessed by a demon or something?”

“Nope, I got laid this weekend.”

“Well fuck! Ask him if he has a friend if this is the reaction that it causes.”

“It’s all your fault,” Tiara informed her sitting down at the desk, booting up her computer.

“My fault,” Barb looked at her in surprise. “How is your getting laid my fault? Fuck if it worked that way, I would have gotten some ass a long time ago.”

“I used that Proximity app you told me about.” A smile of sexual contentment settled on her face.

“Wh—what? You did? It worked?” Questions continued to stutter out of Barb. Tiara just nodded in satisfaction. “I’ll be damned.”

“If you sign up before this weekend, you might get lucky and be fucked.” Tiara couldn’t resist teasing her friend. Barb’s sex life was just as dry as hers. It was something about living in this town. It was small but big.

Yeah, strange explanation. The Springs was big enough to be home to several major businesses, but its population of brothers was abysmal. That left the only option of male companionship was to swim outside of your own color range which was a risk. Because men fell into two categories in Tiara’s opinion in the Springs. They were interested in a woman of color for the novelty, or they were gay. If you managed to come across someone who didn’t fit into one of those categories, then you better hold onto him and ride him into the sunset like a bucking bronco. That is what she planned to do as long as Jordan was coming to town and looked her up.

She hummed as she lost herself in her work, counting the hours until the weekend.

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