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“I don’t think I can do this, Theo.”

We were standing close to the edge of the creek an hour after breakfast the following morning. He insisted we try to reach my wolf. She still hadn’t surfaced much since the trauma of my kidnapping. I wasn’t sure if she was afraid, angry, or just hurt beyond the ability to cope.

“You have to try, Bec. Your wolf is part of who you are. It’s our true nature.” He cupped my cheek with his palm and pressed a soft kiss against my lips. “Our cubs will want to see the strong proud wolf of their mama.”

My hand rested over my lower stomach and I nodded, taking a deep breath before I closed my eyes. Searching inside myself, I looked for signs that my wolf was close. A barren wasteland existed where a lush forest used to cover the ground in rich thick grass of evergreen and numerous trees. A hot burning sun beat down as I whimpered, afraid she left me forever. No breeze carried her scent. It was as if she never existed.

My lower lip trembled as my eyes shot open and I stifled a sob. My chest ached. “She’s gone,” I whispered in agony. There’s nothing. Just a big empty wasteland of nothing but dirt.”

Theo sucked in a breath and tugged me into his chest. “I don’t believe that. I can’t. She must be far away or hidden. That’s all. We’ll find her, Becca. I promise. No matter how long it takes.”

Branches snapped behind us as Theo snarled and turned away, running forward as he shifted into his wolf. Snapping his massive jaws, he positioned himself in front of me as the presence of humans could be felt long before they walked from between the tall trees.

I recognized Hall as he stepped in front of the others, his sickening smile prominent on his face. Theo also knew as he crouched down and prepared for attack. Hall laughed as at least a dozen men with rifles and dart guns spread out around us.

“We have unfinished business, little wolf. You could make this a lot easier by coming with me and preventing any additional bloodshed.”

“Do you honestly think I believe you’re only after me?” I snorted without humor. “There’s no way you’ll leave here without trying to capture or kill us all. You hate shifters. I haven’t forgotten what you said . . . or what you did.”

A small whimper filled my head as my wolf reacted to his words. Shocked to feel her presence I fought back tears.

Hall shrugged, fingering the trigger of his gun as if he was about ready to shoot. “You’re all an abomination. You shouldn’t exist. The Society will eradicate every one of you until your species no longer exists.”

Theo’s wolf growled as the men began to move forward.

“I wouldn’t come closer,” I advised. “You won’t survive.”

Hall didn’t listen. He shouted at the others as he pulled the trigger and a bullet hit Theo’s left flank. I screamed as Theo’s wolf bolted forward and headed straight for Hall to eliminate the biggest threat. The other humans began shooting on cue as I dropped to the ground flattened. Bullets pinged off the rocks next to my head as I rolled, and my wolf sprang to life with a vicious snarl. In less than three seconds I had shifted and was out for revenge.

Theo hadn’t noticed yet as he fought for control over Hall’s weapon, his teeth tugging it from his hands and flinging it into the deep water of the lake. Bloodlust filled his deep blue eyes as I howled and prevented him from stealing my kill. His head swung to the right as he lifted his snout and roared a primal sound that shook the ground beneath our feet.

I was a survivor. I could do this on my own. Theo didn't fit into my perfect plan of revenge. He wasn’t there. No one else experienced the level of suffering and torment that I had to endure. This was my moment to take back control of my wolf, my life, and overcome the trauma that had plagued me since the moment I had been kidnapped.

Theo could save me, I knew this, but I had to seek vengeance on my own. As our eyes locked onto one another I knew he saw my determination and his head lowered, offering the respect and encouragement I needed to finish this once and for all. He turned his back in my direction – the ultimate show of trust for a wolf – and lunged toward our enemy. The sounds of battle faded away as I crouched low and began to move toward the single man that held up his hands in mock surrender.

Destroy your prey.

My wolf’s voice was an extension of my thoughts. I could taste her thirst for retribution and my mouth began to salivate as my tongue slid across my sharp teeth. Fear permeated the air as I lifted my snout and inhaled, growling low in my chest. My animal form was ready.

Hall would pay for his crimes this day and suffer for every shifter he had harmed.

I saw the resignation in his eyes. He knew his death was coming. Reaching behind his back he pulled out a small gun and aimed it at my head. Did he honestly think I wasn’t fast enough to rip it from his fingers? He fired off a quick shot that hit the ground next to me and I snarled.

“Stay back. If you come any closer, I’ll aim this right between your eyes.” His empty threat did nothing for me but riled the anger of my beast.

His arm lifted to shoot again as I attacked. My teeth bit straight through the soft flesh and hard bone of his wrist. His severed hand landed on the ground with the gun as Hall screamed and fell backward on his ass, his other hand clutching the stump to his chest.

“Go away! I’m sorry!”

His words were too little and too late.

Take him piece by piece.

Slashing with one of my claws I sliced through one of his thighs, careful not to sever a main artery. I didn’t want him to bleed out before I had a chance to finish. My wolf was enjoying this entirely too much but after our ordeal I knew she needed the closure as much as I did. He deserved everything I was doing and more.

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