Page 143 of Obsessive Temptation

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I’m going over the Smidt contract and notice their numbers look off. This is a complete fuck up on their behalf that was completely avoidable if only they had taken the time to research all avenues and possibilities for the project… Shit! Fucking lazy employees who want to live in luxury but don’t want to work their asses off for the money like they should be. This shit won't fly if Smidt intends to continue doing business with N&D.

I'm already in a lousy mood because our assistant has decided she needs to spend more time with her husband and two kids. Haven't Nikolai and I been kind enough to her over the years? I guess not if she’s going to treat us like this... Especially when she takes days off work to care for her ill kids.

I vow the next person we hire will be single as fuck and free to put N&D first and foremost. I was sitting at my desk deep in thought when I get loudly interrupted by a knock at the door. “Enter,” I direct.

Nola opens my office door with a file in hand. “Sit,” I state with a nod to my head.

She takes a seat in one of the cushiony seats across from my desk.

“Dirk I'm sorry if you're disappointed in my decision—”

“Are those the latest projections from the last quarter?” I ask her putting the contract aside.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.” I tap the desk with my finger for her to place the file on my desk. “Now, what were you saying about disappointing me?”

My assistant wrings her hands in her lap monetarily seeming at a loss for words. “I'm sorry if it seems as if I'm abandoning the company. I just need to spend more time with my family. I won't apologize for that. I grew up in a household never seeing my parents. When they weren't working they were traveling the world without my younger brother and I. I don't want that for my two girls, and my husband agrees. I've lined up someone with an impeccable background to interview for the job. I know you and Nikolai weren’t thrilled by the previous candidates, but I will assure you that you will like this one.”

I know I've been an ass towards my assistant lately. The thing is I'm not big on goodbyes. Especially when it comes to a damn good employee. I take a deep breath and push my frustrations aside. “Nola you are invaluable to us. You will be missed. My annoyance with you leaving the company has been pure selfishness on my part, and that's putting it mildly.” I pause and reach inside a drawer to pull out an envelope. “For your loyal service at N&D, I want you to have this. If we can do anything for you in the future don't you dare hesitate to ask.

“You've done enough. I can't—”

“You can and you will,” I stand, walk around the desk and place the envelope in her hand. With trembling fingers, she opens it and looks inside.

“Oh my God! This is a certified check for two hundred fifty thousand dollars!” Nola stands with tears misting her eyes and throws her arms around me. “Thank you.”

My frustrations have wholly dissipated. I guess I'm not a complete asshole after all!

“You deserve it,” I reply, returning her embrace with a grin on my face.


“Thanks for handling business for me while I was out of the office. I know how much you hate saying goodbye,” I say to Dirk.

I’m sitting at my desk, and Dirk is pacing the floor in front of me. I’m the voice of reasoning this time around it seems. I appear laid back when I'm anything but calm and full of, composure. “Dirk, we had to see this coming. Nola warned us how her husband Brad felt with her last pregnancy. I’m just surprised she didn't put in her resignation sooner.”

Dirk stops pacing, leans down and plant both hands across the desk.

“Fuck man. Don't you think I realize that? I'm a selfish prick- so sue me.”

I chuckle at Dirks foul mood. “Calm down man.”

“I knew Nola's resignation was coming, but I don't want to go through another assistant. I don't give a single fuck about how great she is.”

“Stop stressing out. I will personally handle the interview on tomorrow if you don’t want to.”

“Just make sure she's as proficient if not more so as Nola.

“Look, Dirk, I get that Nola has been with us since we started the business, but times have changed. It’s normal that she needs to do what's best for herself and her family.”

“Dammit, you’re right,” Dirk says. “I just have to accept it and move on but fuck change all the same.”

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