Page 101 of Obsessive Temptation

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It had taken him three years to track the man down. He’d found him hiding out in a small town in Alaska. Con hadn’t wasted time torturing him. He hadn’t wasted time asking him why he murdered the people he was supposed to love.

The reason behind his sister’s boyfriend committing that heinous crime hadn’t interested him. All Con had cared about was ending the fool. He put a bullet in the bastard’s head on sight. No questions asked. No last words.

Only death. Because of that, he owed a debt to the leader of the Soldiers. In one year, that debt would be paid. He wouldn’t have been able to find the man without the Soldiers help. For that help, he owed the leader, his former best friend, fifteen years of servitude.

During those fifteen years, Con had stolen, fought, spied and killed for the Soldiers. This lifestyle was profitable. He’d risen through the ranks quickly. He’d made a name for himself both him Russia and in the States.

He was feared and hated by many. He could count on one hand the people who cared for him. At first, none of that bothered him. Yet, the older he got, the more he started to hate himself. The more he wished he could be normal, live normally. That couldn’t happen until he was free from his blood debt.

“Did you hear me boss?”

Con sat up. “What?”

“I said when Vlad comes in, don’t bring up the past. Don’t ask him why he returned to the Soldiers.”

“You know me well. I’m going to ask him. I want to know.” Con shrugged.

Another knock at the door interrupted their conversation. Before Yury could open the door, Vlad did it himself then strode into the room like he owned it.

Vlad faced Yury. “You can leave.”

Con held in his chuckle when Yury didn’t budge. To Vlad Con said, “You must not have gotten the memo. I fired all the Soldiers who worked here and hired my own men. Yury answers to me and me alone.”

And sometimes he didn’t even do as Con wanted. Such was the way when you hired childhood friends. They often did what was in your best interest rather than doing what you told them too.

Vlad glared in Con’s direction. “That’s one of the reasons I’m here. Have you lost your mind?”

“Maybe. Maybe not.” Con looked to Yury. “You can leave. Make sure Vlad’s men stay away from my office.”

Yury nodded then left the room.

“Do you have a death wish?” Vlad asked, once the office door shut behind Yury.

“Actually, no. I happen to like living. Why? Do you?”

“What the hell does that mean?” Vlad strode over to the chair across from Con and sat down.

“You were free from this life, Vlad. Why did you return to…”

“I didn’t come here to discuss that. The only reason I came was because the leader hasn’t been able to reach you.”

Con shrugged. “I’ve been busy doing the task he sent me to do.”

“He sent you here to help keep the club running and to aid the Soldiers who worked here in finding Boris. Yet, you fired all of them and brought in your own men.”

“I trust my men.”

“You can trust the Soldiers.”

“You mean the same Soldiers Boris trusted? The same Soldiers who worked for him day in and day out, yet doesn’t seem to know a damn thing about his disappearance?”

“You read their reports. Boris only allowed them to watch over him while at the club. When he left the club, he forbade them from following him home or for watching over his family. He told them he could take care of himself and his wife and kid. He disappeared while leaving work one night. And per his orders, they didn’t follow him. Therefore, they didn’t see what happened after he left work. We didn’t realize something was wrong until his wife called the next day to say he hadn’t come home.”

“Right. And then you all started investigating. And you still haven’t found shit.”

“It isn’t from lack of trying. The leader is using all of his connections…”

“The leader is using the Soldiers to look for someone who was probably killed by a Soldier. That’s like sending the Cookie Monster on an errand to pick up cookies. He won’t return with shit but excuses.”

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