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Obsessed Wolf

Nikki Landis



Becca Harlow was missing.

Just the thought of that phrase made my wolf snarl deep in my chest as he tried desperately to break free. For days I had been pacing like a caged animal, desperate to hear back from the pack delegate sent to find the woman that was my shining star, my light, and my perfect fucking mate. My wolf had latched onto and claimed her long ago. We were both obsessed with Becca and had been for the last five years, despite her father’s effort to keep us apart.

Now that’s a long ass story and one that doesn’t end pretty.

I was a hopeless cause. A shifter than ran with the pack instead of leading it. I wasn’t an alpha like Rinnick or the beta like Cole. No, I was part of the cohesive unit but that wasn’t good enough for Becca’s father. His little girl belonged with the toughest and strongest of our clan.

That sure wasn’t me – Theo Bardolf.

He never let me forget it.

Becca was the first girl that I ever kissed, the one I lost my virginity to, and the one girl that still caused my blood to simmer with both desire and rage. She broke my fucking heart when she ended our engagement and I hadn’t been the same since. Hopeless and full of anger, I became a guy that hardened his heart against the world. Ironic since I still carried the ring in my pocket like some lovesick fool and clung to the hope that she’d realize her mistake.

Yeah, I was a stupid fucker.

Cole and Rinnick took great delight in reminding me often.

The past never really went away and had a way of sneaking up on you, dumping more bullshit onto the stack you were still dealing with. That was my life. A series of consecutive events that pushed Becca farther and farther from my reach until she disappeared altogether.

I swore I wouldn’t get involved with her disappearance. When the news surfaced that she was missing, I shifted into my wolf for days to escape. When the pack decided something had to be done, I didn’t volunteer. When her father Jedd met with Rinnick, I wasn’t around to complicate the plan of rescue. I kept my big mouth shut even when her brothers Lor and Elias showed up and demanded something else be done to recover Becca.

Fuck if I wasn’t super pissed about it all anyway.

Then Max Thompson returned without Becca and a gut-wrenching fear replaced every other emotion. I couldn’t stand it any longer. Without permission from Rinnick, I stormed into the meeting between the elders, Jedd and his sons, Max, and Cole. Rinnick took one look at my face and nodded, realizing that what I had to propose was the best option – whether Jedd approved or not.

“I’m going after Becca, alone.”

My announcement wasn’t a negotiation. Jedd could kiss my ass. Not big on words or ceremony, I was a simple guy with basic needs. Becca was at the top of that list. Come hell or judgement day, I’d find her and bring her home. End of discussion.

Jedd stood, his entire frame vibrating fury as Lor placed a hand on his shoulder. “Over my dead body.”

My lip curled up in a snarl. “It’s a good thing that doesn’t matter, Jedd. I’m going and no one is going to stop me. The fucking excuses end here. You want Bec back safe at home? I’m the guy to do it.”

Elias shook his head but locked eyes with his brother. “Lor?”

Lor was the alpha now. He’d taken that position from his father last year when Jedd passed the leadership role down to his eldest son. Lor had a little more sense and was less hostile to me than his father. I wouldn’t say we were on friendly terms, but we didn’t argue or hate one another.

“Go, Theo. Bring her home, please.”

My gut twisted with the pain I could feel in his voice, an agony that matched my own. “Done. I’m leaving at first light.”

I didn’t wait around for any drama to unfold. My next order of business was to get extremely drunk and then pass out at home until I had to wake up and confront the reality that I would soon face my long-lost love. Sitting at the local bar, I’d already downed a good three beers before Rinnick joined me. Cole went home to Briar and I didn’t feel bad about his choice. He’d finally found his mate and I didn’t begrudge him the happiness.

If only it were that simple for me . . .

I felt the presence of my alpha before I heard his voice.

“Surprised it took you so long,” Rinnick commented as he ordered a whiskey. The shot was placed before him and slung back quickly before he slammed the glass on the bar and eyed the pretty blonde bartender with a wink. “We need a round of beers at our table. Don’t take too long, sweet stuff. We’re thirsty.”

She swung a towel around the bar in mock anger and sashayed her shapely ass over to the tap, filling mugs as Rinnick led us over to our usual table. We sat in the corner, watching the crowded bar and patrons for a few minutes in silence. Once our beers arrived and Rinnick’s gaze left the blonde’s perky tits, we got down to business.

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