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I sighed as I waited for my sister to pick me up. I knew this was too good to be true. I hadn’t seen Estelle for years, but one day, she called me out of the blue asking me to be her maid of honor. I had no idea she was even dating. I sighed as I looked at my phone once more, I pressed the button on the screen to call her again.

“Hello!” She answered.


“Roe? Hey, what’s up?”

“Where are you? I’ve been waiting an hour for you to pick me up at LaGuardia.”

“What?” She shrieked. “I thought your flight was for the 16th?”

“Today is the 16th.” I sighed again. I was too tired for this. She forgot about me again as she had done over and over again as kids.

“Damn, can you take an Uber here? I’ll text you my address. I can’t leave because I’m headed out with Jared, his best man and a couple of our friends. Just meet us at the address and I’ll put your bags in my trunk.”

I wanted to scream at her, but I just shook my head.


Without saying goodbye, Estelle hung up on me. This was our little sister, me and her, big sister dynamic.

When I got to my destination, it looked like an upscale restaurant. I internally cringed. I got out of the Uber, my carry-on and suitcase in tow, I made my way into the restaurant. It seemed really quiet and the maitre’d came up to greet me. I smiled, “Hi, I’m here for Estelle.”

He looked down the list, nodded his head and ushered me towards the table. I noticed Estelle in less than a minute as we walked to the private closed-off area. I walked behind the Maitre’d as I noticed how dressed up everyone was. They had on fancy dinner dresses and the men wore dress shirts or suits. Estelle was the spitting image of our mother with her model height, caramel skin and waist length brown hair. She also had our mother’s gray eyes and that was the only part of her I was jealous of and well the fact that she was able to leave Athens, Georgia, making it well in New York.

She looked up as the Maitre’d reached their table and scanned me over. I smiled at her, I hadn’t seen her in years. She had lost all the extra pounds she hated from when we were younger, and she looked like a goddess now as she stood up to come my way. She strutted towards me offering a light smile. She was always taller than me but with her heels she towered over me. She reached out pulling me in for a hug and I hugged her back, loving our embrace. She leaned in whispering in my ear, “Are you trying to embarrass me?” She hissed.

“What?” I was so shocked by her words. Embarrass her how?

“I said we were going to be out, but you show up in distressed jeans, sneakers, and an oversized hoodie? Are you kidding me!” She shrieked in my ear. I was surprised she was still whispering.

She let go of me and I, again since my entrance saw what she was saying. Everyone around the table was dressed up. The men either wore suits, or button ups with slacks. They didn’t look out of place like I did. My hand flew instinctively to my hair, with the wind that was blowing outside, my hair must’ve been in its crazy mane. I ran a hand over it trying to tame it down.

“Estelle, is this your sister?” A man said. I looked at him, he was gorgeous.

He stood up walking towards us and pulled me in for a hug.

“You must be Monroe, Estelle’s little sister. Welcome to New York, sister-in-law.” He let me go and I got a good look at him.

So, this was Jared Sommers, my sister’s fiancée. He stood tall next to my sister as he smiled at me. His dazzling white teeth made him even more attractive. He had blue eyes that reminded me of the sea and blonde hair pulled back in a low bun. I smiled at him as I responded.

“I am Monroe, you can call me R-.”

“Roe.” I heard a voice complete my sentence. I looked a bit further down the table and a man that was buried deep inside of me stared right back.

“Dominic Harley?” I uttered. A feeling I thought I had overcome punched me in the gut, sucking the air out of me.

I took him in as he sat at the end of the table. He was still devilishly handsome. Those whiskey colored eyes that still haunted my dreams at night were in my vicinity now. His hair wasn’t as it was when we were fifteen. His dark hair was styled in an undercut with the sides shorter and the middle a bit longer falling over on the right side above his eyebrow. He was sporting a low trimmed beard accentuating his mouth even more. His bottom lip a bit larger than the top lip. He was wearing a black dress shirt tucked into black pants and black expensive looking dress shoes. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing his sleeve tattoos making him look even more irresistible. I need to take my eyes off of him now.



I spotted her the moment she was being ushered toward the table. She was even more beautiful than when I last saw her. Damn, twelve years. Twelve whole years since the last time I was able to see her face or even talk to her. I watched as she reached the table and Estelle stood up to give her a hug. It was a weird exchange because I knew how Estelle really felt about Monroe. We had become close ever since she moved here for college and dated my best friend, Jared. She only brought Roe up when she was drunk or alone with me.

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