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Forever Harley’s




I looked at all the boxes stacked in the foyer of the home that my mom and I shared. I couldn’t help it as the sadness washed over me. There were no other feelings left inside of me now. Even when my best friend, Roe came by my side to grab my hand and escort me outside of the door to the limo. This wasn’t a celebration of any sort, I wish it was, but it wasn’t. Soft music played in the limo as everyone sat there missing her just as much as I did. Being seventeen and having your mother taken away from you was detrimental. It was heartbreaking and shattered my entire world. I felt a squeeze on my hand and finally turned to look at the hand that held mine.

I looked at our hands together, Monroe’s and mine. How small her hand was, the feminine traits of it and the contrast. While I was tan, she was darker, resembling my favorite treat, chocolate. I turned my head to look in her direction. I thought Monroe was the prettiest girl I’d ever laid my eyes on. Her big almond brown shaped eyes, her small button nose, high cheekbones and cupid bow-shaped lips. Her hair was done in intricate, single braids that I normally would’ve pulled on, but I wasn’t in the mood. She offered me a small smile and I turned away from her before I teared up in the limo with my estranged father and uncles, a side of the family I had never met before.

The funeral service went on in a blur for me and when they buried her, I felt like my heart was laid to rest with my mother. We wordlessly threw her favorite white roses on the casket leaving her there, alone …six feet under.



My best friend, the boy that I secretly loved was hurting so much and there was nothing that I could do. When we made it back to the house, I pulled Dom away from everyone. We went upstairs, knowing no one would care if we didn’t stay downstairs. The adults didn’t understand how devastated he was. His distress was so intense that I could feel it in the tremor of his hand. He hadn’t let me go the entire time we were burying his mother, and I didn’t want to let him go either. I wanted to cry and hang onto Dom, telling him not to go, but I knew he had to. My parents couldn’t take him in especially since his father, whom we’ve never heard of showed up out of nowhere.

When we got to Dom’s room, I led him to his bed pulling the duvet back indicating that I wanted him to sleep. I looked back and up at the one boy who has always been with me since I could last remember. His faraway look broke my heart. Dominic Harley was handsome to me. He looked like a model. His eyes that his mother used to describe as whiskey-blueish colored were so sad. His dark hair, bushy eyebrows, long lashes added with the height of six feet and two inches at seventeen years old made him turn the heads of girls in our school but right now, the only head that turned away from him was mine. I didn’t want to look into his sad eyes as tears that weren’t shed anywhere else began to escape his eyes.

I shut my eyes not wanting to see this image, it broke my heart. I felt a pull as Dom sat on the bed. I opened my eyes standing in front of him as the sound left his mouth. I didn’t know what was going on at first, couldn’t register the sound, but then out came a guttural sound as if he conjured it from the deepest part of his soul. Dom cried for his mother, Isabella, she was senselessly ripped from this life by a drunk driver.

“Dom…” I began as I looked down and moved closer in front of him.

Seeing those tears in his eyes provoked an emotion from me that I never knew I had. I reached out with my free hand caressing his face and wiping tears away. I couldn’t handle it as he removed his hand from mine and his arm came around my waist hugging me. Both of his arms enveloped me as his forehead rested on my belly. I wanted to comfort him, but my breathing hitched at the contact. My heart began to beat erratically as I realized where his arms were on my body and how close we were. Dom had never been this intimate with me and it awoke some strange feelings in my body. Yes, I loved him secretly, but I just loved him. I didn’t think further than that but now, my body was reacting. My mom’s words rang in my head ‘Roe, don’t you dare tell me you love that boy again. You’re too young to know what love is.’ But momma, you’re so wrong.

She was definitely wrong even if I was fifteen, it didn’t mean I didn’t know how much I loved this boy because what I felt for him was so strong and sometimes, it blurred the lines just like in this moment. If I was just his friend, I should’ve pushed him to the bed and let him sleep, but no, my hands were running themselves in the curliness of his dark locs and my mouth was humming a song I had never heard before. I was soothing him, calming him down I told myself.

“Roe…” He called out to me. “Please, make me forget. I miss her, I really do. What am I going to do without mom Roe?” He asked me a question I had no answer to.

I felt him when he pulled me into his lap hugging me as I straddled him. I didn’t mind, I wanted to be close to him. I shut my eyes as my arms wrapped around his neck, his head laid on my shoulder. I would’ve been okay if I didn’t feel every breath he took through my own body. I was aware of how close he was, and it scared me.

Hours must’ve passed as we stayed in that position. I knew there was something I wanted him to know about his mother.

“Dom?” I asked wondering if he was asleep.

“Mmm?” He answered with his head still on my shoulder.

“She loved you. Ms. Bella was a wonderful mother and she loved you so much. I saw it all the time in her smile, her eyes and her affection towards you.”

“I know,” He said. “She was the best mother I could’ve ever had. She told me she loved me right before I hung up with her the night of…” He didn’t finish his sentence.

“Shhh. Dom it’s okay. I know. I’m glad she got to tell you how she loves you, so you know. It’s sad that she left this world in such a tragic way, but I’m glad she told you how she felt about you. How much she loved you and she showed you how much of a great son you were to her.”

I hugged him even tighter wanting him to silently know that I loved him too.

“Roe?” He called my name out.

“Yes Dom?”

“I love you.” My heart began to beat at an odd pace. What was he saying to me?

“What?” I whispered.

“You heard me. I love you Monroe Rodricks. I will always love you.” I didn’t want to let go.

“I love you too Dominic Harley, I will always love you.”

That night after I had fallen asleep in his arms, he left. That night, he broke my heart for leaving without so much as a goodbye. That night I locked Dominic Harley so deep in my heart that no one would be able to ever find him again.

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