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His eyes fluttered. I stared into Jordan’s eyes. I recognized his will and fight to stay alive.

I closed the doors, climbing into the driver’s seat, tossing the gas mask and duffel bag to the passenger side floor. I tore down the street like a bat out of Hell. The moment I turned into the busy intersection, the police barreled down the street.

“Peter, take Malaysia to the hospital. Her brother has been shot. I need you, too. I will leave the keys in the van parked in the emergency vehicle area. You know what to do.”

“Of course, I’ll be there in minutes.”

The benefit of living down the street from the hospital. I knew they would arrive before I did. I parked next to an ambulance. I checked my surroundings. There appeared to be no one around. I climbed into the back of the truck, opening the side door. Quickly, I shed everything war related. I had to look like Dr. Daniels before entering the hospital. I scooped up Jordan and, stepped out of the van. After sliding the door closed, I jogged into the hospital.

“Nurse Brianna, grab a gurney now!”

She ran from behind the desk, returning with the gurney.

“Dr. Daniels, what’s going on?”

“I found the young man a block over lying on the street. I brought him here. I need to get him into surgery. He has a gun wound to the head.”

“I understand.”

Jordan went into shock. His body convulsed.

“I need a crash cart now!”

Nurse Brianna and Heather rushed back to the bed with the cart. I hopped onto the gurney, paddles in hand. I rubbed the paddles together.

Brianna pressed the energy select button. “Charge!”

The shock button lit up on the machine. “Clear!”

I pressed the paddles against Jordan’s chest, shocking his heart. I wasn’t able to revive him. “Charge!”

Brianna, pressed the energy button again.

“Clear!” I yelled.

I shocked his heart again. Jordan’s heart began beating.

“I have to get him up to surgery now!”

I hopped off the gurney, pushing Jordan down the hall at top speed. “Out of the way!” I yelled. Patients and nurses jumped out of my way.

Brianna ran ahead, pressing the up-elevator button.

Once the doors opened, I rolled the gurney inside.

Ten minutes later, nurses attached wires from various machines to Jordan’s chest and back. I hopped into my scrubs as quick as I could. I washed my hands, then held them high, slamming through the operating room door. Nurse Pamela stepped forward, tying the surgical blue mask behind my head, then slid the blue surgical gloves onto my hands.

“Thank you, Nurse Pamela.”

“Team, I hope we’re ready.”

I glanced around the room into the eyes of my staff.

“Yes, Dr. Daniels, we are.” My surgical Nurse Marianne replied through her blue mask.

Brain surgery takes time. I had to be meticulous in everything I did to be successful in the surgery. I was completely focused. No time to think about how Malaysia felt. My number one goal was saving the young man on the table.

I glanced at his sleeping face. He looked like a good kid. I didn’t know him but I was proud of him. He’d been trying to do the right thing when I’d approached him and the guys on the corner. He’d tried returning the money. He didn’t have to worry about them anymore. Jordan was in good hands. Marianne slowly shaved the right side of his head. After sterilizing the location, I gently slid the scalpel along the side of his head. The headlight provided the proper light I needed to observe the surgery site. The loupes provided a clear view of the bullet. Luckily, the bullet wasn’t pressed against the motor-skill portion of the brain. Slowly, I approached the lodged bullet with my surgical clamps.

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