Page 348 of Seductive Temptation

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“You were all right,” I agree and take a pull of my drink.

“But listen, I’m proud of you. I heard about the AVA Award. That’s amazing. Glad to see nothing holds you back.”

“Thanks. I’ve been keeping up with you, too. You’re making big waves in the tech business. Always knew you’d kill it!”

“I do a little something.” We chuckle. “Let us get back to our friends. We’ll connect later before the end of this thing.”

“Sure thing!”

We share one more friendly embrace and part ways with me going back to my hunt of a cozy lounge spot.

“Ah.” I find one several feet away near the corner of the deck. It’s in the perfect position, providing just enough seclusion that I can read in peace yet still be in view of all that’s going on.

I remove the towel I have hanging over my shoulder and lay it out on the chaise. Facing the rest of the party, I check its sturdiness, recline fully, and swing my legs into place. I rest my glass in the attached cup holder and adjust the back until I find a comfortable setting. Satisfied, I pick up my book, turning it to my last stopping point.

Time flies, and before long, I’m midway through the story and finished with my drink. I’m thirsty for another but don’t want to put this book down. Turning the page, I opt to finish out the chapter and head back to the bar after. A shadow forms over me, blocking the sunlight and distracting me from the task at hand. There’s nothing around for miles, so I know it has to be a person casting the shade. Tilting my Balenciaga sunglasses down, I peek above the top to see who it might be. For a second, I thought maybe Braden had returned to finish catching up, but to my much-unwanted surprise, I’m met by the likes of the arrogant toad from last night. I drop my book against my chest, pull the shades back over my eyes, and exhale an exaggerated breath.

“This is interesting,” Jackson says, inviting himself to a seat on my lounge chair, his hip nestled firmly against my bare thigh.

Moving my leg slightly, I try to ignore him, but he scoots closer. Really, does this guy know no boundaries?

“What’s interesting?”

“You and your book. I haven’t seen that in a while,” he answers.

I frown. “What, reading?”

“Not from a book. Most people are on those ebook things.”

“It’s called a Kindle, and I like to read from the pages,” I say in an annoyed tone, then stand to leave.

A bit angry that he’s disturbed my peace and yet again has gotten too close to me, I snatch up my towel and lean across the chair for my empty glass. The back of my cover-up rises, exposing my teal bikini bottoms. Going by the shift of his body and the low moan that escapes from his lips, I know he’s noticed. Which prompts me to lurch upright, ruining his view. No more looks for you, dude! Aiming for the nearest guardrail, I hope to avoid any further communication with him, praying he’ll take the hint and walk away.

I’ve had enough of his boldness to last a week and would like to just enjoy my time on this boat without being bothered. If I wanted a hot guy to be all up on me, I could have that back at home. There are plenty of attractive, available men to occupy my time, should I choose it. Now is not the moment—I came here for business, not for play-play.

For a brief moment, I begin to think he does take the hint, but that thought doesn’t last long. Jackson steps behind me, his hand grazing the small of my back. I whirl around to face him, shooting daggers. They must find their mark, because without me saying anything, he throws his hands up.

“Hands. Sorry.” He smiles sheepishly.

“Dude, does your arrogance really know no bounds?” I bark and turn to leave.

Jackson takes a quick sidestep and moves in front of me, being careful not to let his hand touch any part of my body.

“I think we got off to a wrong start.”

I roll my eyes. “Ya think?”

“Your glass is empty. Allow me to get you a refill, and maybe you can give me a chance to start over properly.”

Before I can protest, Jackson gently takes the glass from me. Just as he’s about to leave for the bar, we spot D'Andre and Aliza heading our way. Acting on pure instinct, I link my arm through Jackson’s and lean into him, pressing my chest firmly into his triceps. The slight raise of his thick brown eyebrows is the only indication of his surprise at my sudden move. But, thankfully he just goes with it, and together, we wait for my ex and his fiancée to approach us.

D'Andre makes eye contact with me, and I can tell he’s trying to read my expression. Seeing me with Jackson confuses him, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m glad it does. He never liked what he didn’t understand—or couldn’t control, for that matter. The look on his face right now thrills me, but I’m peeved at myself for even caring about his reaction. It’s been a year since we have even been in the same room—well, except for a few weeks ago at a mutual friend’s housewarming party. I don’t even think of him in my day-to-day life.

“D'Andre, right?” Jackson says, when the couple are close enough.

“Yeah,” D'Andre answers, shaking Jackson’s extended hand. His eyes find mine again. “Sabrina.”

I nod, giving him my fakest smile.

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