Page 262 of Seductive Temptation

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Buck gently guided Karma along an unmarked trail through the trees, the path finally opening up as they came out a beautiful lake before them.

His body was still smoldering for her. He tried to gain control of the burning desire coursing through his body. Things were moving so fast, and he didn’t want to scare Karma off with his intensity.

He shook his head, faintly, amazed. All it had taken was the little time spent in her presence for him to know that he was going to keep her. It was his new obsession. She was like a spring breeze, blowing out the memories of his past that haunted him over the years. For the first time, he felt the desire to share his plans for the future with someone outside of his family. That was foreign to him, but somehow he felt the need to share it with Karma. The need burned as intensely as their passion.

“This is Lake Raleigh.” Buck pointed out to the blue water sparkling in the late morning sunshine. “It is fed by several mountain streams. It is a freshwater lake.” He explained to her.

“Lake Raleigh. Raleigh Ski Resort. What is the connection to your family?” Buck turned, hiding a small smile. He was delighted that Karma wanted to know more about the valley. In his book, this was a step in the right direction.

“This is called Raleigh Valley it has been in my family for more than six generations. Most of it is owned by my family. One-stop is built on land donated by my family. We always had an obligation to bring new business into the valley, to keep the town growing. After the ski resort closed, the valley lost the majority of its revenue.”

Buck wrapped his arms around Karma when they came to a standstill by the lake. He loved how she fit in his arms. He stood behind her as they both looked out over the lake. He pointed to a sloping mountain on the far side of the lake that ended with a field between the lake and the mountain. “You see that area?”

Karma nodded.

“Blaze and I have discussed reopening the ski area on that mountain and building a new lodge in the field below. We also discussed different activities to offer in the winter months including downhill skiing, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. When the lake freezes, it’s hard enough for ice-skating close to the edge. And in the middle, we’ll offer ice fishing.” Buck pointed to the areas for each of the activities.

“In the summertime we can offer boating on the lake, swimming at the pier, and angling. There are already businesses in town that offer big game hunting, mountain biking, trail hikes, and camping. We almost have the funding we need to get the ball rolling. If things continue the way we plan then within the next two years, we should be able to rebuild the Raleigh Ski Resort.”

Buck watched as Karma closed her eyes as if she was envisioning the changes. He hoped she pictured herself as part of the changes. That was his new dream he added into his plans for the future.

“Well, I guess I should get you back home. I have a car that I need to figure out. I still haven’t figured out why it isn’t working. It is holding up a beautiful lady’s trip.” Buck felt obligated to fix Karma’s car. He wanted her to stay because it was her choice not because she didn’t have any way to leave town.

“There is no rush to fix my car,” Karma shrugged, “One-stop is beginning to grow on me. The idea of sticking around for a while might be a good one.”

It took everything in him not to let out a rebel yell, but he couldn’t stop the hopeful spark inside of him. “Is it One-stop that is growing on you?” Buck slyly asked.

Karma gave him a mysterious smile, “Maybe. Maybe not.”

Buck couldn’t stop the laughter rolling across the lake at her non-answer. He laughed and smiled more in the short amount of time that he had been around Karma than he had in the past few years. Gently he guided her back down the path, letting the comfortable silence settle. He grabbed the picnic basket as they passed by their picnic table.

As they began the trip back, Buck pointed out areas along the way were he, his brother and his cousins pulled stupid stunts and got in trouble. “You see that tree right there?” Buck pointed to a large tree that had greenish leaves with a red stem growing along the edge of Lake Raleigh.


“That is a Rocky Mountain Maple tree. When my cousin, Beauty, was younger we were eating waffles that my mom made one morning after a sleepover. Blaze and I hid the syrup from Beauty and then convinced him the only way he could have some for his waffles was to go tap a tree like that one and get the syrup straight from the tree.” He smiled at the memory.

It had been a long time since he thought about the fun he had growing up in the valley.

“Oh my God, how awful,” He attempted to appear innocent as Karma laughed long and loud.

“No, it was hilarious. Watching him outside in his footie pajamas holding his plate up to the tree while he tapped on it with his fork waiting for the syrup to come out.” Buck laughed even harder. He stopped and grabbed his side, tears rolling down his face.

He laughed even more as Karma stood over him shaking her head, a weary smile on her for his long-suffering cousin.

When he caught his breath, he grabbed her hand continuing, “So, tell me something about your childhood? Tell me how you got the name of Karma?” Buck wanted to know everything about her.

How she grew up. Her family life. Her past jobs. Why was she traveling alone? His curiosity about her was all consuming.

“Well Karma really is my name. It's my middle name.” she slanted him a sideways glance to see how he reacted. He smiled in encouragement for her to continue. “My parents are the complete opposites. My dad is serious and goal oriented. My mother is very New Age and all about the mystic arts. But weird as it may seem, they fit together.”

As she spoke, her voice softened, eyes practically glowing. The love Karma had for her parents was obvious. “So, Karma came from your mom?”

“My mom wanted to name me Cosmic Light Karma Martin, but father put his foot down. He said that his daughter was going to have a normal name even if she didn’t have a normal life. They ended up compromising. My dad got to name me Sabrina while my mom stuck with Karma, for my middle name.” She laughed as she told the story of her naming to Buck as it had been told to her by her parents. She loved hearing it. It was a good example of the quirky relationship that existed between her parents.

As she finished explaining, they arrived. They stopped in front of her cabin. Buck couldn’t resist her laughter. It was contagious. Freeing. It invited people to laugh along with her and enjoy life.

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