Page 249 of Seductive Temptation

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She squinted in the dark trying to get a better look at the figure that went along with the masculine voice. It wrapped around her like a warm cuddly blanket. She wanted to bask in the safety the sound of his voice suggested, but she was a lone woman on the side of a mountain with a strange man. She wanted to stare at his shadow, but her common sense kicked in and prevented her from doing something stupid that could get her killed.

Snapping out of her dazed state, she put the situation into perspective. Someone was here offering her help, and she was standing there like a rock. The back seat of her car was not that comfortable.

“Ummm, yes–yes I could use tow,” Karma’s voice was full of caution. She didn’t want to admit anything to this stranger even though she knew her car was not going anywhere under its own power.

“Well my name is Buck Raleigh, and I can tow your car over to One-stop to my garage there and take a look at your vehicle in the morning. I can drop you off at the motel, so you can get a better night sleep than the one you were having in your car.” Buck's voice was as low and dark as the night.

The sound of it stroked against her skin. Karma was grateful that it was too dark for him to notice her reaction to him. She would die of embarrassment if this stranger knew that the sound of his voice was making her hot.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Raleigh.”

“Buck, the name is just Buck. No Mr. required.” He moved closer to Karma.

Karma unconsciously took a step back towards her car. Deep voice or not. Shivers or not. Buck was one huge mother fucker. She looked up at what appeared to be a solid wall in the shadows. The taillights of the tow truck shed a little light, but it was still too dark to determine anything other than Buck’s general size. And sexy voice. She couldn’t forget his sexy voice floating towards her on the night air.

As if he was sensing her discomfort Buck made sure to keep Karma’s car in between him and her as he went about hooking it up to his tow truck.

“Here I’m going to turn on the spotlight, so I can get your car on the truck.”

Karma watched the shadowy figure walk away. The truck’s interior light automatically came on when Buck opened the door. From the distance, she still couldn’t see anything about Buck. A few seconds later a blinding light came on. Karma blinked several times hoping that her eyes would quickly adjust. Out here in the dark, it seemed extra bright. She turned back towards the interior of her car. At least with the new light on, she could see where she had dropped the fob to her keys. She bent down and picked them up. By the time she straightened up, Buck had returned.

“Now that’s better. We have some light we can work by.”

Karma dropped her key fob in the dirt in surprise. She drew in a sharp breath. She thought her brains had stopped working before when she thought an alien abduction was about to take place, but it was nothing compared to her staring at the man who introduced himself as Buck.

Her body mind immediately went to a naughty rhyme. My name is Buck, and it rhymes with F--. This man was hot. Square jawline, chiseled cheekbones all equaled a strong masculine face. A backward baseball cap made it impossible for her to see the color of his hair. Karma wished it was daylight, so she could see the color of his eyes. But she didn’t need more light to see the muscles upon muscles that bulged with his every movement. Did she mention he had muscles? Now Karma was no petite little flower despite the number of times she declared herself as such to her cousins. Their tendency to snort and laugh and point out that she was six inches taller than they were didn’t tend to support her declaration. That is until they finally hit their growth spurts and caught up with her in height.

Regardless, towering over short men wasn’t new to her.

Now there was nothing wrong with the short man, they had their uses. But every once in a while, a woman longed to be held in the arms of a strong musclebound hottie like the one standing in front of her. Buck had the shoulders of a linebacker. It wouldn’t surprise her to find out that he had played pro-ball somewhere. Her eyes skimmed over the T-shirt that was deliciously tight, it delineated each and every muscle of his chest. Unconsciously she licked her lips wanting nothing more to trace the curves with her tongue.

Whoa, baby was he seriously built. Karma stuttered for a few moments her brain unable to put together a coherent thought. She hoped he didn’t notice her drool before she managed to get her act together. It wasn’t every night you saw a gorgeous man come rescue you on the mountainside.

She cleared her throat. “Um, how far is One-stop from here?”

“It’s not too far,” Buck absently replied as he continued to hook up her car to his tow truck.

Karma had noticed a sign for the turn to One-stop a few miles back. She had seen several signs offering big game hunting, hiking, and biking. She hadn’t paid much attention, big game hunting wasn’t something that held her interest. She preferred her meat wrapped in clear cellophane in the meat department of her local grocery store.

“How did you know I was here?” Karma frowned, just now realizing how strange that was. She was sure no other car had passed her on this road unless they did so very quietly while she was sleeping.

“This stretch of road is a dead spot for cell phones and GPS,” Buck stood with his hands in his pants pockets. He went over to his truck and pushed the lever that started lifting Karma’s car off the ground. It only went far enough to tighten the chain.

“Can I see the keys to your car please?”

“Sure,” Karma handed him the keys that she picked up off the ground, again. At the rate she was going it might be better if he held on to them, if she had to spend more time with such a hottie, it was likely to happen again.

Karma barely stopped a moan from escaping from between her lips as she watched him walk from his truck to her car. He walked with confidence, each stride demonstrating the perfect curves of his ass. Even in the dim light, she could see it. It should be illegal for an ass to be that tight.

Hell, it should be illegal for an ass to look that good in jeans. She wished she had better night vision so she could appreciate the sight of it even more.

She watched him slide into the front seat of her car and turn it on just enough to put her car into neutral. After he shut off her car, he came back over to where she was standing with a shift of the lever, proceeded to drag her car forward onto the slanted bed of his tow truck. Once it was there at an angle, he tilted the bed of his truck back into its horizontal position with her car centered in the middle of the bed. He walked around the bed of the truck hooking up chains at different points on her car.

“Okay miss if you want to go ahead and get in the front seat of my truck we will get out of here.” That deep voice struck a chord in her. Something fluttered low in her belly.


“Excuse me?”

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