Page 171 of Seductive Temptation

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“Oh, I forgot to tell you I have a new job and I don’t think I’ll be able to get the time off this soon into my employment. I’m sorry about that mama but I hope you understand.”

“What? A new job! I thought you were just taking some downtime away from the firm. I didn’t know you quit. Lord have mercy on my poor soul. Khadejah Latrice Butler, what the hell is going on with you? And what about your upcoming wedding? You better start explaining thangs to me.”

I counted to ten in my head and held the hurting words back as long as I could, then I let hell loose. “Mama, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Darren and I are broken up for good. There will be no wedding.”

I heard the sound of the phone dropping then mama’s voice became inaudible until she retrieved the phone. I waited with a pounding heart before she began to speak again. “Child, have you lost your ever-loving mind?” Mama’s voice was so loud that I had to remove my cell phone away from my ear. Her keen voice echoed in my ears like a clap of thunder on a stormy day. I waited a beat before I resumed speaking.

“No mama. I haven’t lost my mind. I’m just not going to marry a low down no good cheater like Darren.” A wintry chill ran down my backbone as I stiffened my spine. My blood pumped through my heart causing my heart rate to speed up at an erratic pace.

“The god damn scoundrel! Who the hell did he cheat on you with? Tell me the hoe’s name got damn it. I’m going to kick his ass when he comes over to dinner tonight. The audacity of him acting all heartbroken and shit. Just wait until your daddy get in from work and I tell him about that no good cheating dog. Tell me baby, who is the other woman? Sheesh, I’m a God fearing woman and he got me doing all this cussing. Whew, help me lord!”

The hoe is your baby girl mama, I felt the urge to say but there was no way I could break mama’s heart in that way. I sniffed as warm tears fell down my cheeks. Mama had my back and that in itself sent a warm fuzzy feeling down my spine. But I knew once I told her it was her sweet little girl that fucked my man, all hell would break loose. “Mama, it’s too hard to talk about that right now. I need some time to pull myself together before I talk about Darren. Can you not tell daddy, please? Keep this between you and me for a while. I will break the news to daddy that my engagement is over when I’m ready.”

“Sweetie, you are my first born and you know I’ll do anything in the world for you, baby. It will break my heart to keep my mouth closed but I will for you. But there is no way in hell that Darren will bring his ass over here and pull up to my table, eat my food, and drink my sweet tea. I just might be tempted to poison him.”

“No, don’t do that mama,” I smiled through my tears. “No matter how much he deserves it.”

“Okay baby. Are you going to be alright? I want you to come home where I can get my arms around you and look you in the face. I need to see that you are alright.”

“I promise mama. I’m alright. Regina has been great. Actually, I’m much better here than there with Darren running around. I just need time and space to regroup.”

“Okay, you’re a grown woman and I guess you know best but if you need me call me anytime day or night. I love you sugar.”

“Thanks mama. I love you and daddy too more than anything.”

“What about Kee-Kee. Do you want me to have her call you? Kee-Kee always wanted to be just like you. This will kill her when she finds out what that man did to you.”

“No, don’t tell Kee-Kee anything either. I’ll call her later,” I lied. I didn’t want anything to do with my little deceitful sister. I couldn’t tell my mama that though. We said a few more words before I ended the call.

I loved my parents and I knew the news of what their daughter had done would disappoint them. I couldn’t bear breaking their hearts. Not today—maybe not ever. I would rather live with the truth and keep it for myself, no matter what that meant. Maybe I would have to live my life avoiding my sister, which I was perfectly at ease with, but maybe I would have to avoid my entire family and miss holiday gatherings and special occasions. That would break my heart. But even that seemed easier than telling my parents what happened that night I caught Darren in bed with my sister.

Later That Evening

“Hey, I know you have to get up early for work. You don’t have to come and hear me sing every night,” I told my friend.

“Who says I’m just coming to hear you sing. Maybe I came for the cocktails and the eye candy. Do you think Seth’s friend Justin will be here tonight?”

“Girl, how would I know that. I don’t keep up with my new boss and his friends. But since I have a little time before I go on stage, let me buy you a drink. That will be for putting up with my up and down mood swings. Especially after talking to mama earlier.”

“Hmm, so you finally told your mom everything? How did Mrs. Butler take that shit?” My friend Regina asked.

“No, I didn’t have the nerve to tell my mama that her daughter was a low down dirty--,” I started to lose my cool, so I paused to inhale. “You know what Gina?”

“What is it hun?”

“I felt terrible when I talked to mama today when I told her about Darren but not Kee-Kee. Damn, Gina. My very own sister fucked my man. How the hell am I going to get over that?”

“You won’t do it over night, sweetheart. Going through deceit is a hard pill to swallow. Darren was an asshole for sleeping with Kee-Kee. Your sister was an even bigger asshole for allowing things to go as far as she did. Bottom line, you are better off with putting distance between you and them right now. Take one day at a time and I promise you it will get better,” Regina tried to console me with her words.

“Okay, my friend. I will take your word for it I suppose.” I forced a smile and reached over to give my friend an affectionate hug. “Now what would you like to drink before I have to earn my money?” I asked her and got the bartender’s attention to place our drink orders.

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