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Avarie grabbed her smartphone from the table before her and glanced at the incoming message.

Jasmine had updated her calendar with an add-on meeting for later that day. Ignoring what it was, Avarie placed her device back down when two of the lawyers who were on staff with King Steele walked into the room. She put on a false smile and waited for them to take their seats at the small table.

Today she was meeting with the two who had drawn up the contracts that Shane would be using to seal his deal for two new business ventures. She quickly sized them up as they walked around to the other side of the table.

Conrad Bush looked to be mid-fifties, brown hair with flecks of silver. The other lawyer, James Delgado, was mid-forties with a dark complexion hinting of Spanish heritage.

Since beginning her position, she’d been very busy acclimating to the new job and getting to know the legal team she was advising. Even though the corporation had their own lawyers on the payroll, she was the attorney who would ensure that the company’s best interests would always be kept in mind. She was the advisor to the legal team. She had the power to veto anything she felt wasn’t best for King Steele Industries and would hold the ear to the C.E.O and C.O.O.

The King brothers.

“Mr. Bush and Mr. Delgado, thank you for meeting with me today.” She nodded to them both after they’d taken their seats. This meeting was to establish some ground rules with her as the new staff attorney. There wasn’t much she would be changing with the legal team at King Steele Industries, but she had to iron some things out she’d discovered and discuss the new contracts they had drawn up.

“Yes, of course.” Bush nodded.

His mouth was compressed in a fine line, and she held back the roll of her eyes. Delgado nodded without saying a word.


It was never easy to come into a new position as this. Many of the attorneys would feel that she, or any person in her shoes, would be stepping on the legal team’s toes.

“I won’t keep you long. Let’s just get down to the point. I read over the contracts that you drew up that will be presented to Lexington Manufacturing and I found a few loopholes that need to be closed.”

“Impossible,” Delgado muttered, sitting straighter in his chair.

“Oh?” She arched her eyebrows at his outburst. No one was perfect, and she was just going to kindly point out the flaw, but now that he had an attitude, she would point out everything.

She could be petty.

Wasn’t going to be, but she saw that with these two, she was going to have to lay down the law.

“That is a rock-solid contract. We’ve gone over it at least ten times together,” Bush argued. His beady eyes turned toward Avarie who didn’t shy away.

“Be that as it may, there are holes in it.” She reached into her leather binder and pulled out a few copies of the contract. She slid them across the table toward the men.

“I know what the contract says, I practically have it memorized,” Delgado muttered, snatching the paper up from the table.

She held back her smirk, knowing she’d highlighted the parts of the contract she found would be problematic. It wasn’t a bad contract, it just needed some tweaking. With her help, it would be iron-clad and a fair contract for two businesses who were going to work together.

“Great. Then turn to section two, appendix A. This is the first thing that needs to be fixed.”

If the situation wasn’t tense, she’d caught the looks on their faces. These two grown, experienced attorneys were almost pouting.

By the end of their meeting, the men had no choice but to respect her. They didn’t have to like her, but they would have to listen to her recommendations.

“I say we get out of here now and begin our weekend.” Trevor chuckled.

Shane finished typing out the email to his secretary and glanced over at his brother. He knew Avarie didn’t really want anyone to know about them. He’d honor her request, but it would be hard keeping a secret from Trevor.

“I’m sure there is plenty to get into tonight, but I have plans.” Shane sat back in his chair.

As the leading men for their company, the brothers held a private meeting every Friday to discuss important matters related to King Steele Industries.

He glanced down at his watch, ignoring his brother’s cocked eyebrow.

“Really?” Trevor scoffed. “Those plans wouldn’t have anything to do with our new lawyer, now would they?”

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